; Framework settings DEBUG_DETAIL SET 0 FW_STANDALONE_FILE_MODE = 0 ; DO NOT CHANGE (required for trackmo mode) FW_HD_TRACKMO_MODE = 0 ; DO NOT CHANGE (required for trackmo mode) FW_MUSIC_SUPPORT = 1 FW_MUSIC_PLAYER_CHOICE = 2 ; 0 = None, 1 = LSP, 2 = LSP_CIA, 3 = P61A, 4 = Pretracker FW_LMB_EXIT_SUPPORT = 0 ; DO NOT CHANGE, allows abortion of intro with LMB FW_MULTIPART_SUPPORT = 1 ; DO NOT CHANGE (required for trackmo mode) FW_DYNAMIC_MEMORY_SUPPORT = 1 ; DO NOT CHANGE (required for trackmo mode) FW_MAX_MEMORY_STATES = 5 ; the amount of memory states (at least 2) FW_TOP_BOTTOM_MEM_SECTIONS = 1 ; allow allocations from both sides of the memory FW_64KB_PAGE_MEMORY_SUPPORT = 1 ; allow allocation of chip memory that doesn't cross the 64 KB page boundary FW_MULTITASKING_SUPPORT = 1 ; enable multitasking FW_ROUNDROBIN_MT_SUPPORT = 0 ; enable fair scheduling among tasks with same priority FW_BLITTERTASK_MT_SUPPORT = 0 ; enable single parallel task during large blits FW_MAX_VPOS_FOR_BG_TASK = 300 ; max vpos that is considered to be worth switching to a background task, if any FW_SINETABLE_SUPPORT = 1 ; enable creation of 1024 entries sin/cos table FW_SCRIPTING_SUPPORT = 1 ; enable simple timed scripting functions FW_PALETTE_LERP_SUPPORT = 1 ; enable basic palette fading functions FW_YIELD_FROM_MAIN_TOO = 1 ; DO NOT CHANGE (required for background loading) FW_VBL_IRQ_SUPPORT = 1 ; enable custom VBL IRQ routine FW_COPPER_IRQ_SUPPORT = 0 ; enable copper IRQ routine support FW_AUDIO_IRQ_SUPPORT = 0 ; enable audio IRQ support (unimplemented) FW_VBL_MUSIC_IRQ = 0 ; enable calling of VBL based music ticking (disable, if using CIA timing!) FW_BLITTERQUEUE_SUPPORT = 1 ; enable blitter queue support FW_A5_A6_UNTOUCHED = 1 ; speed up blitter queue if registers a5/a6 are never changed in main code FW_LZ4_SUPPORT = 0 ; compile in LZ4 decruncher FW_DOYNAX_SUPPORT = 0 ; compile in doynax decruncher FW_ZX0_SUPPORT = 1 ; compile in ZX0 decruncher ; trackmo options FW_TD_FREE_MEM_HACK = 1 ; attempt to free the trackdisk buffers FW_TRACKMO_LZ4_SUPPORT = 0 ; enable decrunching while loading for LZ4 FW_TRACKMO_LZ4_DLT8_SUPPORT = 0 ; enable decrunching while loading for LZ4 with delta FW_NUM_DIRECTORY_BLOCKS = 3 ; number of directory blocks used for this trackmo FW_MAX_DOS_HUNKS = 4 ; maximum amount of hunks (increase this when a part produces the ERROR_TOOMANYHUNKS) FW_IN_PLACE_DECR_SAFE_DIST = 128 ; number of extra bytes to allocate for in-place decompression include "global_bonus.i"