IFND WORKBENCH_STARTUP_I WORKBENCH_STARTUP_I EQU 1 ** ** $Filename: workbench/startup.i $ ** $Release: 2.04 Includes, V37.4 $ ** $Revision: 36.4 $ ** $Date: 90/12/02 $ ** ** workbench startup definitions ** ** (C) Copyright 1985-1991 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved ** IFND EXEC_TYPES_I INCLUDE "exec/types.i" ENDC IFND EXEC_PORTS_I INCLUDE "exec/ports.i" ENDC ;IFND LIBRARIES_DOS_I ;INCLUDE "libraries/dos.i" ;ENDC STRUCTURE WBStartup,0 STRUCT sm_Message,MN_SIZE ; a standard message structure APTR sm_Process ; the process descriptor for you BPTR sm_Segment ; a descriptor for your code LONG sm_NumArgs ; the number of elements in ArgList APTR sm_ToolWindow ; description of window APTR sm_ArgList ; the arguments themselves LABEL sm_SIZEOF STRUCTURE WBArg,0 BPTR wa_Lock ; a lock descriptor APTR wa_Name ; a string relative to that lock LABEL wa_SIZEOF ENDC ; WORKBENCH_STARTUP_I