; TODOs: ; - Fix pixel errors at border ; ; Framework settings IFD FW_DEMO_PART IFD FW_HD_DEMO_PART include "../hamazing/hdtrackmo_settings.i" ELSE include "../hamazing/trackmo_settings.i" ENDC ELSE FW_STANDALONE_FILE_MODE = 1 ; enable standalone (part testing) FW_HD_TRACKMO_MODE = 0 ; DO NOT CHANGE (not supported for standalone mode) FW_MUSIC_SUPPORT = 1 FW_MUSIC_PLAYER_CHOICE = 2 ; 0 = None, 1 = LSP, 2 = LSP_CIA, 3 = P61A, 4 = Pretracker FW_LMB_EXIT_SUPPORT = 1 ; allows abortion of intro with LMB FW_MULTIPART_SUPPORT = 0 ; DO NOT CHANGE (not supported for standalone mode) FW_DYNAMIC_MEMORY_SUPPORT = 1 ; enable dynamic memory allocation. Otherwise, use fw_ChipMemStack/End etc fields. FW_MAX_MEMORY_STATES = 4 ; the amount of memory states FW_TOP_BOTTOM_MEM_SECTIONS = 0 ; allow allocations from both sides of the memory FW_64KB_PAGE_MEMORY_SUPPORT = 0 ; allow allocation of chip memory that doesn't cross the 64 KB page boundary FW_MULTITASKING_SUPPORT = 1 ; enable multitasking FW_ROUNDROBIN_MT_SUPPORT = 0 ; enable fair scheduling among tasks with same priority FW_BLITTERTASK_MT_SUPPORT = 0 ; enable single parallel task during large blits FW_MAX_VPOS_FOR_BG_TASK = 300 ; max vpos that is considered to be worth switching to a background task, if any FW_SINETABLE_SUPPORT = 1 ; enable creation of 1024 entries sin/cos table FW_SCRIPTING_SUPPORT = 1 ; enable simple timed scripting functions FW_PALETTE_LERP_SUPPORT = 1 ; enable basic palette fading functions FW_YIELD_FROM_MAIN_TOO = 0 ; adds additional code that copes with Yield being called from main code instead of task FW_VBL_IRQ_SUPPORT = 0 ; enable custom VBL IRQ routine FW_COPPER_IRQ_SUPPORT = 0 ; enable copper IRQ routine support FW_AUDIO_IRQ_SUPPORT = 0 ; enable audio IRQ support (unimplemented) FW_VBL_MUSIC_IRQ = 0 ; enable calling of VBL based music ticking (disable, if using CIA timing!) FW_BLITTERQUEUE_SUPPORT = 1 ; enable blitter queue support FW_A5_A6_UNTOUCHED = 1 ; speed up blitter queue if registers a5/a6 are never changed in main code FW_LZ4_SUPPORT = 0 ; compile in LZ4 decruncher FW_DOYNAX_SUPPORT = 0 ; compile in doynax decruncher FW_ZX0_SUPPORT = 0 ; compile in ZX0 decruncher FW_DO_FANCY_WORKBENCH_STUFF = 0 ; enable pre- and post-hook (os startup only) ENABLE_PART_MUSIC = 0 PART_MUSIC_START_POS = 0 ENDC GOURAUD_WIDTH = 128 GOURAUD_PLANES = 4 BENDIT_WIDTH = 128 BENDIT_HEIGHT = 128 CUBE_PRECALC_NUM = 16 NUM_RUBBER_FRAMES = 33 CUBE_WIDTH = 128 CUBE_HEIGHT = 128 CUBE_PLANES = 4 CUBE_X_OFFSET = 0 CUBE_Y_OFFSET = 0 CUBE_Y_CLIP = 0 CUBE_MAX_SIZE = 6400 GOURAUD_Z_DIST = 182 CULLING_EXT = 128 GOURAUD_Z_ADD = 8192+1000 ; 8192 is currently safe lower limit, 2*8192 is safe upper limit CUBE_BUF_WIDTH = 128 gouraudColShift = 10 gouraudErrShift = 6 NUM_BQ_LINES = 64 COP_PREAMBLE_INST = 2 ; wait and bplcon0 COP_POST_INST = 3 ; wait, 8x(sprctl + sprpos) COP_INST_PER_LINE = 2 ; bplptl, cop2lc, cop2lc, wait, 40 colors, skip, copjmp COP_LIST_SIZE = (500)*4 CHIPMEM_SIZE = ((CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)*CUBE_HEIGHT*CUBE_PLANES*3)+((CUBE_WIDTH/8)*CUBE_HEIGHT*CUBE_PLANES*NUM_RUBBER_FRAMES)+COP_LIST_SIZE*2 FASTMEM_SIZE = CUBE_PRECALC_NUM*cd_SIZEOF IFND DEBUG_DETAIL DEBUG_DETAIL SET 10 ENDC NEWAGE_DEBUG = 1 ; - CHIP BSS 2 x 128 x 128 x 4 = 16384 (DB) ; - CHIP BSS 3 x 128 x 128 x 4 = 24576 (3 line buffers for cube) ; - CHIP BSS 32 x 128 x 128 x 4 = 262144 (Rubber buffers) ; ; - FAST BSS 32 x 1424 = 45568 (Cube preprocessing) 12+3*3*2*2+8*3*2+8*2*2+12*(11*4+4+8*2) include "framework.i" STRUCTURE BQLine,bq_SIZEOF ULONG bql_BltCon01 APTR bql_BltCPt UWORD bql_BltBMod UWORD bql_BltAMod UWORD bql_BltAPtLo APTR bql_BltDPt UWORD bql_BltSize LABEL bql_SIZEOF STRUCTURE BQFillCube,bq_SIZEOF ULONG bqfc_BltCon01 UWORD bqfc_BltAMod UWORD bqfc_BltDMod APTR bqfc_BltAPt APTR bqfc_BltDPt UWORD bqfc_BltSize LABEL bqfc_SIZEOF STRUCTURE BQClear,bq_SIZEOF ULONG bqc_BltCon01 APTR bqc_BltDPt UWORD bqc_BltDMod UWORD bqc_BltCDat UWORD bqc_BltSize LABEL bqc_SIZEOF STRUCTURE CubeData,0 ULONG cd_PlanesToDraw UWORD cd_LinesToDraw UWORD cd_InnerLines STRUCT cd_CubeNormals,3*3*2*2 STRUCT cd_Coords,8*3*2 STRUCT cd_ProjCoords,8*2*2 STRUCT cd_IntCubeLines,12*il_SIZEOF LABEL cd_SIZEOF STRUCTURE IntCubeLine,0 STRUCT il_Coords,22*4 ; must be first UWORD il_NumCoords UBYTE il_Flipped UBYTE il_DzNeg UWORD il_FromCoord UWORD il_ToCoord UWORD il_FromX UWORD il_FromY UWORD il_ToX UWORD il_ToY UWORD il_FromZ UWORD il_ToZ LABEL il_SIZEOF STRUCTURE PartData,fw_SIZEOF APTR pd_CurrPlanesPtr APTR pd_LastPlanesPtr APTR pd_CurrTransPtr APTR pd_LastTransPtr APTR pd_CurrCubeLinePtr APTR pd_LastCubeLinePtr APTR pd_LastLastCubeLinePtr APTR pd_CurrCopListPtr APTR pd_LastCopListPtr UBYTE pd_CopListToggle UBYTE pd_DbToggle UBYTE pd_CubeBufToggle ALIGNWORD UWORD pd_PartCountDown APTR pd_CopperList1 APTR pd_CopperList2 APTR pd_RubberBuffer APTR pd_CubeLineBuffer1 ; ds.w (CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/16)*CUBE_HEIGHT*CUBE_PLANES APTR pd_CubeLineBuffer2 ; ds.w (CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/16)*CUBE_HEIGHT*CUBE_PLANES APTR pd_CubeLineBuffer3 ; ds.w (CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/16)*CUBE_HEIGHT*CUBE_PLANES UWORD pd_ScreenSinXOffset UWORD pd_ScreenSinYOffset WORD pd_ScreenX WORD pd_ScreenY ULONG pd_IntroFrameOffset ULONG pd_RubberFrameOffset UWORD pd_NumRubberFrames UWORD pd_BenditYPos BOOL pd_BenditKilled WORD pd_Ax ; order may not be changed! (movem) WORD pd_Ay WORD pd_Az WORD pd_AxSpeed WORD pd_AySpeed WORD pd_AzSpeed UWORD pd_CubeSize WORD pd_CubeSizeDir BOOL pd_QuitAsyncTask UWORD pd_CubeSinePos UWORD pd_CubeCosPos UWORD pd_CubeCullingValue APTR pd_CubeSceneRoutinePtr APTR pd_CubeDataReadPtr APTR pd_CubeDataWritePtr UWORD pd_CalculatedCubeFrames UWORD pd_PrecalculatedFrames APTR pd_CubeScriptPointer APTR pd_CubeDataPtr APTR pd_CubePrecalcBuffer ; ds.b cd_SIZEOF*CUBE_PRECALC_NUM APTR pd_CubePrecalcBufferEnd STRUCT pd_BQLineInit,bq_SIZEOF STRUCT pd_BQLines,NUM_BQ_LINES*bql_SIZEOF STRUCT pd_BQFillCube,bqfc_SIZEOF STRUCT pd_BQClearLineBuffer,bqc_SIZEOF STRUCT pd_RubberPalette,32*cl_SIZEOF STRUCT pd_BenditSprites,8*4 STRUCT pd_CubeCalcTask,ft_SIZEOF STRUCT pd_LinesFromBuffer,NUM_BQ_LINES*2*2 STRUCT pd_LinesToBuffer,NUM_BQ_LINES*2*2 LABEL pd_SIZEOF IFND FW_DEMO_PART include "framework.asm" ENDC entrypoint: IFD FW_DEMO_PART move.l #pd_SIZEOF,d0 CALLFW InitPart ENDC move.w #$000,color(a5) bsr gou_init lea gou_async_calc_task(pc),a0 lea pd_CubeCalcTask(a6),a1 CALLFW AddTask lea gou_copperlist,a0 CALLFW SetCopper bsr gou_clear_cube_line_buffer REPT 2 bsr gou_flip_db_frame bsr gou_clear_cube_line_buffer ENDR bsr gou_clear_rubber_buffers IFND FW_DEMO_PART IFD ENABLE_PART_MUSIC move.l #part_music_data,fw_MusicData(a6) move.l #part_music_smp,fw_MusicSamples(a6) CALLFW StartMusic ENDC ELSE CALLFW StartMusic ENDC bsr gou_intro bsr gou_main CALLFW SetBaseCopper lea pd_CubeCalcTask(a6),a1 CALLFW RemTask rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- gou_init: bsr gou_init_vars bsr gou_init_blitter_queue CALLFW SetBlitterQueueSingleFrame rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- gou_init_vars: move.l #gou_cube_advance_scene_standard_movement,pd_CubeSceneRoutinePtr(a6) move.w #4*2,pd_AxSpeed(a6) move.w #-5*2,pd_AySpeed(a6) move.w #-7*2,pd_AzSpeed(a6) move.w #CUBE_MAX_SIZE,pd_CubeSize(a6) move.w #((CUBE_MAX_SIZE*CUBE_MAX_SIZE)>>8)/GOURAUD_Z_DIST+CULLING_EXT,pd_CubeCullingValue(a6) move.w #237*2,pd_Ax(a6) move.w #32*2,pd_Ay(a6) move.w #128*2,pd_Az(a6) move.w #300,pd_CubeCosPos(a6) move.l #CUBE_PRECALC_NUM*cd_SIZEOF,d0 CALLFW AllocFast move.l a0,pd_CubePrecalcBuffer(a6) move.l a0,pd_CubeDataWritePtr(a6) move.l a0,pd_CubeDataReadPtr(a6) move.l a0,pd_CubeDataPtr(a6) add.l #CUBE_PRECALC_NUM*cd_SIZEOF,a0 move.l a0,pd_CubePrecalcBufferEnd(a6) move.l #(COP_LIST_SIZE*2),d0 CALLFW AllocChip move.l a0,pd_CopperList1(a6) move.l a0,pd_CurrCopListPtr(a6) lea COP_LIST_SIZE(a0),a0 move.l a0,pd_CopperList2(a6) move.l a0,pd_LastCopListPtr(a6) move.l #(CUBE_WIDTH/8)*CUBE_HEIGHT*CUBE_PLANES*NUM_RUBBER_FRAMES,d0 CALLFW AllocChip move.l a0,pd_RubberBuffer(a6) move.l #((CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)*CUBE_HEIGHT*CUBE_PLANES)*3,d0 CALLFW AllocChip move.l a0,pd_CubeLineBuffer1(a6) move.l a0,pd_CurrCubeLinePtr(a6) lea ((CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)*CUBE_HEIGHT*CUBE_PLANES)(a0),a0 move.l a0,pd_CubeLineBuffer2(a6) move.l a0,pd_LastCubeLinePtr(a6) lea ((CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)*CUBE_HEIGHT*CUBE_PLANES)(a0),a0 move.l a0,pd_CubeLineBuffer3(a6) move.l a0,pd_LastLastCubeLinePtr(a6) lea gou_gray_shuffle(pc),a2 lea gou_gray_palette(pc),a0 lea gou_sorted_palette(pc),a1 moveq.l #16-1,d7 .palloop move.w (a2)+,d0 move.w (a1)+,(a0,d0.w) dbra d7,.palloop lea gou_gray_shuffle(pc),a2 lea gou_gray_zebra_palette(pc),a0 lea gou_zebra_palette(pc),a1 moveq.l #16-1,d7 .palloop2 move.w (a2)+,d0 move.w (a1)+,(a0,d0.w) dbra d7,.palloop2 lea pd_BenditSprites(a6),a1 lea gou_bendit_sprite,a3 move.l a3,a2 moveq.l #(BENDIT_WIDTH/16)-1,d7 .sprloop move.l a3,a0 adda.w (a2)+,a0 move.l d0,(a0) move.l a0,(a1)+ dbra d7,.sprloop move.w #BENDIT_HEIGHT,pd_BenditYPos(a6) rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- gou_init_blitter_queue: lea gou_bq_InitLineDraw(pc),a0 move.l a0,pd_BQLineInit+bq_Routine(a6) lea gou_bq_LineDraw(pc),a0 lea pd_BQLines(a6),a1 moveq.l #NUM_BQ_LINES-1,d7 .bqlloop move.l a0,bq_Routine(a1) move.l #blitter_temp_output_word,bql_BltDPt(a1) lea bql_SIZEOF(a1),a1 dbra d7,.bqlloop lea pd_BQFillCube(a6),a1 lea gou_bq_FillCube(pc),a0 move.l a0,bq_Routine(a1) move.l #((BLTEN_AD|BLT_A)<<16)|BLTCON1F_EFE|BLTCON1F_DESC,bqfc_BltCon01(a1) ;move.l #((BLTEN_AD|(~BLT_A&$ff))<<16)|BLTCON1F_EFE|BLTCON1F_DESC,bqfc_BltCon01(a1) move.l #(((CUBE_BUF_WIDTH-CUBE_WIDTH)/8)<<16)|((GOURAUD_WIDTH-CUBE_WIDTH)/8),bqfc_BltAMod(a1) move.w #((CUBE_WIDTH)>>4)|(((CUBE_HEIGHT-2*CUBE_Y_CLIP)*CUBE_PLANES)<<6),bqfc_BltSize(a1) lea pd_BQClearLineBuffer(a6),a1 lea gou_bq_Clear(pc),a0 move.l a0,bq_Routine(a1) move.l #((BLTEN_D|BLT_C)<<16),bqc_BltCon01(a1) move.w #(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH-CUBE_WIDTH)/8,bqc_BltDMod(a1) clr.w bqc_BltCDat(a1) move.w #((CUBE_WIDTH)>>4)|(((CUBE_HEIGHT-2*CUBE_Y_CLIP)*CUBE_PLANES)<<6),bqc_BltSize(a1) rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- gou_intro: move.w #1,pd_PartCountDown(a6) lea .script(pc),a0 CALLFW InstallMusicScript PUTMSG 10,<"Main Frame Start %ld">,fw_FrameCounter-2(a6) .loop BLTWAIT CALLFW TriggerBlitterQueue bsr gou_flip_copperlists bsr gou_flip_db_frame bsr gou_flip_cube_buffer bsr gou_update_screen_pos move.l pd_CubeDataPtr(a6),a1 bsr gou_interpolate_outer_cube_lines moveq.l #16,d0 lea pd_RubberPalette(a6),a1 CALLFW DoFadePaletteStep move.l pd_CurrCopListPtr(a6),a0 move.l pd_IntroFrameOffset(a6),d4 bsr gou_create_main_copperlist_nosprites CALLFW JoinBlitterQueue bsr gou_create_blitter_queue CALLFW TerminateBlitterQueue bsr gou_update_copper_list_pointers CALLFW CheckMusicScript CALLFW VSyncWithTask tst.w pd_PartCountDown(a6) bne .loop add.l #$012302d3,pd_ScreenSinXOffset(a6) rts .script dc.w 0*6,.flash-* dc.w 4*6,.flash-* dc.w 8*6,.quitintro-* dc.w 0 .flash add.l #$015102d3,pd_ScreenSinXOffset(a6) moveq.l #16,d0 lea gou_gray_palette(pc),a0 lea pd_RubberPalette(a6),a1 CALLFW InitPaletteLerp moveq.l #16,d0 moveq.l #16,d1 lea gou_mauve_palette(pc),a0 lea pd_RubberPalette(a6),a1 CALLFW FadePaletteTo move.l pd_RubberFrameOffset(a6),pd_IntroFrameOffset(a6) rts .quitintro clr.w pd_PartCountDown(a6) rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- gou_main: move.w #1,pd_PartCountDown(a6) move.w #$fff,d0 move.w d0,color+17*2(a5) move.w d0,color+21*2(a5) move.w d0,color+25*2(a5) move.w d0,color+29*2(a5) move.w #$888,d0 move.w d0,color+18*2(a5) move.w d0,color+22*2(a5) move.w d0,color+26*2(a5) move.w d0,color+30*2(a5) moveq.l #0,d0 move.w d0,color+19*2(a5) move.w d0,color+23*2(a5) move.w d0,color+27*2(a5) move.w d0,color+31*2(a5) st pd_BenditKilled(a6) moveq.l #16,d0 lea gou_gray_palette(pc),a0 lea pd_RubberPalette(a6),a1 CALLFW InitPaletteLerp lea .script(pc),a0 CALLFW InstallMusicScript .loop BLTWAIT CALLFW TriggerBlitterQueue bsr gou_flip_copperlists bsr gou_flip_db_frame bsr gou_flip_cube_buffer bsr gou_update_screen_pos cmp.w #NUM_RUBBER_FRAMES,pd_NumRubberFrames(a6) beq.s .norubadd addq.w #1,pd_NumRubberFrames(a6) .norubadd move.l pd_CubeDataPtr(a6),a1 bsr gou_interpolate_outer_cube_lines bsr gou_update_bendit_sprites moveq.l #16,d0 lea pd_RubberPalette(a6),a1 CALLFW DoFadePaletteStep move.l pd_CurrCopListPtr(a6),a0 move.l pd_RubberFrameOffset(a6),d4 bsr gou_create_main_copperlist CALLFW JoinBlitterQueue bsr gou_create_blitter_queue CALLFW TerminateBlitterQueue bsr gou_update_copper_list_pointers CALLFW CheckMusicScript CALLFW VSyncWithTask tst pd_PartCountDown(a6) bne .loop st pd_QuitAsyncTask(a6) rts .script dc.w 48+32*6,.benditon-* dc.w 432,.benditoff-* dc.w 432+32*6,.fadezebra-* dc.w (8+3*64)*6-32-15,.startclearing-* dc.w (8+3*64)*6-15,.quitmain-* dc.w 0 .benditon clr.w pd_BenditKilled(a6) rts .benditoff st pd_BenditKilled(a6) rts .fadezebra move.w #-9*2,pd_AxSpeed(a6) move.w #-5*2,pd_AySpeed(a6) move.w #6*2,pd_AzSpeed(a6) moveq.l #16,d0 moveq.l #16,d1 lea gou_gray_zebra_palette(pc),a0 lea pd_RubberPalette(a6),a1 CALLFW FadePaletteTo rts .startclearing move.l #((BLTEN_D)<<16)|BLTCON1F_DESC,pd_BQFillCube+bqfc_BltCon01(a6) moveq.l #16,d0 moveq.l #32,d1 lea gou_black_palette(pc),a0 lea pd_RubberPalette(a6),a1 CALLFW FadePaletteTo rts .quitmain clr.w pd_PartCountDown(a6) rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- gou_update_screen_pos: move.l fw_SinTable(a6),a0 move.w pd_ScreenSinXOffset(a6),d0 move.w pd_ScreenSinYOffset(a6),d1 addq.w #8,d0 add.w #11,d1 move.w d0,pd_ScreenSinXOffset(a6) move.w d1,pd_ScreenSinYOffset(a6) and.w #1023*2,d0 and.w #1023*2,d1 move.w (a0,d0.w),d0 move.w (a0,d1.w),d1 muls #176*2,d0 muls #52*2,d1 swap d0 swap d1 move.w d0,pd_ScreenX(a6) move.b d1,pd_ScreenY(a6) rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- gou_update_bendit_sprites: lea pd_BenditSprites(a6),a2 moveq.l #0,d0 moveq.l #0,d1 tst.w pd_BenditKilled(a6) bne.s .filldata move.w #128+160-(BENDIT_WIDTH/2),d4 sub.w pd_ScreenX(a6),d4 move.b pd_ScreenY(a6),d1 ext.w d1 add.w #$6c,d1 move.w d1,d2 add.w #BENDIT_HEIGHT,d2 moveq.l #0,d0 lsl.w #8,d1 ; sv7-sv0 in d1 addx.w d0,d0 ; sv8 lsl.w #8,d2 ; ev7-ev0 in d2 addx.w d0,d0 ; ev8 lsr.w #1,d4 ; sh8-sh1 in d4 addx.w d0,d0 ; sh0 or.w d2,d0 ; ev7-ev0, sv8, ev8, sh0 in d0 move.b d4,d1 ; sv7-sv0, sh8-sh1 in d4 ;tas d0 ; att TAS sets bit 7 .filldata REPT (BENDIT_WIDTH/16) move.l (a2)+,a0 move.w d1,(a0)+ move.w d0,(a0)+ addq.w #8,d1 ENDR rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- gou_create_blitter_queue: lea pd_BQClearLineBuffer(a6),a0 move.l pd_LastCubeLinePtr(a6),a1 lea CUBE_Y_CLIP*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)*CUBE_PLANES(a1),a1 move.l a1,bqc_BltDPt(a0) CALLFW AddToBlitterQueue clr.l pd_BQLineInit+bq_Next(a6) move.l pd_CubeDataPtr(a6),a1 bsr gou_draw_inner_lines lea pd_BQFillCube(a6),a0 move.l pd_LastPlanesPtr(a6),a1 add.l #((CUBE_X_OFFSET+CUBE_WIDTH-16)/8)+(CUBE_Y_OFFSET+CUBE_HEIGHT-CUBE_Y_CLIP-1)*(GOURAUD_WIDTH/8)*GOURAUD_PLANES+(GOURAUD_WIDTH/8)*(GOURAUD_PLANES-1),a1 move.l a1,bqfc_BltDPt(a0) move.l pd_CurrCubeLinePtr(a6),a1 lea (CUBE_WIDTH-16)/8+(CUBE_HEIGHT-CUBE_Y_CLIP-1)*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)*CUBE_PLANES+(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)*(CUBE_PLANES-1)(a1),a1 move.l a1,bqfc_BltAPt(a0) CALLFW AddToBlitterQueue .skip rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- gou_flip_copperlists: move.l pd_CurrCopListPtr(a6),pd_LastCopListPtr(a6) not.b pd_CopListToggle(a6) beq.s .selb1 move.l pd_CopperList2(a6),pd_CurrCopListPtr(a6) rts .selb1 move.l pd_CopperList1(a6),pd_CurrCopListPtr(a6) rts gou_flip_db_frame: move.l pd_CurrPlanesPtr(a6),pd_LastPlanesPtr(a6) move.l pd_LastCubeLinePtr(a6),pd_LastLastCubeLinePtr(a6) move.l pd_CurrCubeLinePtr(a6),pd_LastCubeLinePtr(a6) move.l pd_RubberBuffer(a6),a0 not.b pd_DbToggle(a6) move.l pd_RubberFrameOffset(a6),d0 add.l #(CUBE_WIDTH/8)*CUBE_HEIGHT*CUBE_PLANES,d0 cmp.l #((CUBE_WIDTH/8)*CUBE_HEIGHT*CUBE_PLANES*NUM_RUBBER_FRAMES),d0 bne.s .goodframe moveq.l #0,d0 .goodframe move.l d0,pd_RubberFrameOffset(a6) adda.l d0,a0 move.l a0,pd_CurrPlanesPtr(a6) move.b pd_CubeBufToggle(a6),d0 subq.b #1,d0 bmi.s .cb2 beq.s .cb1 .cb3 move.l pd_CubeLineBuffer3(a6),pd_CurrCubeLinePtr(a6) move.b d0,pd_CubeBufToggle(a6) rts .cb2 move.l pd_CubeLineBuffer2(a6),pd_CurrCubeLinePtr(a6) move.b #2,pd_CubeBufToggle(a6) rts .cb1 move.b d0,pd_CubeBufToggle(a6) move.l pd_CubeLineBuffer1(a6),pd_CurrCubeLinePtr(a6) rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- gou_update_copper_list_pointers: lea gou_extra_copperlist_ptr+2,a0 move.w pd_CurrCopListPtr(a6),(a0) move.w pd_CurrCopListPtr+2(a6),4(a0) move.w #copjmp2,6(a0) rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- gou_create_main_copperlist: lea pd_BenditSprites(a6),a1 move.w #sprpt,d1 moveq.l #(BENDIT_WIDTH/16)*2-1,d7 .sprloop move.w d1,(a0)+ move.w (a1)+,(a0)+ addq.w #2,d1 dbra d7,.sprloop COPIMOVE DMAF_SETCLR|DMAF_SPRITE,dmacon ; enable sprite dma gou_create_main_copperlist_nosprites: lea pd_RubberPalette(a6),a1 moveq.l #16-1,d7 move.w #color,d1 .palloop move.w d1,(a0)+ move.w cl_Color(a1),(a0)+ lea cl_SIZEOF(a1),a1 addq.w #2,d1 dbra d7,.palloop COPIMOVE $4200,bplcon0 move.l pd_RubberBuffer(a6),a1 move.w pd_ScreenX(a6),d0 moveq.l #16,d2 moveq.l #15,d1 sub.w d0,d2 and.w d1,d2 ; lower 4 bit move.w d2,d5 lsl.w #4,d5 or.w d5,d2 COPRMOVE d2,bplcon1 add.w d1,d0 asr.w #4,d0 lsl.w #3,d0 neg.w d0 add.w #$68,d0 COPRMOVE d0,ddfstrt add.w #$a0-$68,d0 COPRMOVE d0,ddfstop move.w #$6c81,d0 move.w pd_ScreenY(a6),d1 add.w d1,d0 COPRMOVE d0,diwstrt add.w #(CUBE_HEIGHT<<8)|($c1-$81),d0 COPRMOVE d0,diwstop moveq.l #-2,d3 moveq.l #CUBE_WIDTH/8,d2 move.l #((CUBE_WIDTH/8)*CUBE_HEIGHT*CUBE_PLANES*NUM_RUBBER_FRAMES),d5 move.l #(CUBE_WIDTH/8)*(CUBE_HEIGHT+4)*CUBE_PLANES,d6 sub.w #((CUBE_HEIGHT)<<8)-($07-$c1),d0 ;move.w #$6bd5,d0 move.w pd_NumRubberFrames(a6),d7 .cprloop lea (a1,d4.l),a2 COPPTMOVE a2,bplpt+0*4,d1 adda.l d2,a2 COPPTMOVE a2,bplpt+1*4,d1 adda.l d2,a2 COPPTMOVE a2,bplpt+2*4,d1 adda.l d2,a2 COPPTMOVE a2,bplpt+3*4,d1 add.l d6,d4 cmp.l d5,d4 blt.s .nowrap sub.l d5,d4 .nowrap add.w #$400,d0 bcc.s .no255 move.l #$ffdffffe,(a0)+ .no255 move.w d0,(a0)+ move.w d3,(a0)+ dbra d7,.cprloop move.b #$38,d0 move.w #$100,d2 move.l d3,(a0) rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- gou_clear_cube_line_buffer: moveq.l #-1,d2 BLTHOGON BLTWAIT BLTHOGOFF BLTCON_SET D,0,0,0 move.w #0,bltdmod(a5) move.l pd_CurrCubeLinePtr(a6),bltdpt(a5) move.w #((CUBE_BUF_WIDTH)>>4)|(((CUBE_HEIGHT)*CUBE_PLANES)<<6),bltsize(a5) rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- gou_clear_rubber_buffers: BLTHOGON BLTWAIT BLTHOGOFF BLTCON_SET D,0,0,0 move.w #0,bltdmod(a5) move.l pd_RubberBuffer(a6),bltdpt(a5) move.w #(((CUBE_WIDTH*8)&1023)>>4)|(((CUBE_HEIGHT*CUBE_PLANES*2)&1023)<<6),bltsize(a5) CALLFW VSyncWithTask CALLFW VSyncWithTask BLTWAIT move.w #(((CUBE_WIDTH*8)&1023)>>4)|(((CUBE_HEIGHT*CUBE_PLANES*2)&1023)<<6),bltsize(a5) CALLFW VSyncWithTask CALLFW VSyncWithTask rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- gou_flip_cube_buffer: move.l pd_CubeDataReadPtr(a6),a0 move.l a0,pd_CubeDataPtr(a6) lea cd_SIZEOF(a0),a1 cmp.l pd_CubePrecalcBufferEnd(a6),a1 bne.s .nowrap move.l pd_CubePrecalcBuffer(a6),a1 .nowrap move.l a1,pd_CubeDataReadPtr(a6) IF DEBUG_DETAIL move.w pd_PrecalculatedFrames(a6),d0 cmp.w #10,d0 bgt.s .okay PUTMSG 10,<"pd_PrecalculatedFrames=%d">,d0 .okay ENDC subq.w #1,pd_PrecalculatedFrames(a6) rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- gou_async_calc_task: PUTMSG 10,<"%d: async_calc_task">,fw_FrameCounter-2(a6) move.l pd_CubeDataPtr(a6),a1 moveq.l #CUBE_PRECALC_NUM-1,d7 .cdloop lea cd_IntCubeLines(a1),a0 PUTMSG 20,<"IntCubeLines %p (%ld)">,a0,#il_SIZEOF lea gou_cube_lines(pc),a2 moveq.l #12-1,d6 .icloop move.l (a2)+,il_FromCoord(a0) ; and il_ToCoord lea il_SIZEOF(a0),a0 dbra d6,.icloop lea cd_SIZEOF(a1),a1 dbra d7,.cdloop .loop .fillup move.w pd_CalculatedCubeFrames(a6),d0 cmp.w #CUBE_PRECALC_NUM-1,pd_PrecalculatedFrames(a6) bge.s .skipprecalc addq.w #1,d0 move.w d0,pd_CalculatedCubeFrames(a6) move.l pd_CubeDataWritePtr(a6),a0 lea cd_SIZEOF(a0),a1 cmp.l pd_CubePrecalcBufferEnd(a6),a1 bne.s .nowrap move.l pd_CubePrecalcBuffer(a6),a1 .nowrap PUTMSG 40,<"Precalcing frame %p">,pd_CubeDataWritePtr(a6) PUSHM a1 move.l pd_CubeSceneRoutinePtr(a6),a0 jsr (a0) move.l pd_CubeDataWritePtr(a6),a1 bsr gou_calculate_cube_stuff bsr gou_interpolate_inner_cube_lines POPM move.l a1,pd_CubeDataWritePtr(a6) addq.w #1,pd_PrecalculatedFrames(a6) bra .fillup .skipprecalc .bufferfull CALLFW Yield tst.w pd_QuitAsyncTask(a6) beq .loop PUTMSG 10,<"Async-Task terminates..."> rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- MaxVerts = 8 MaxPlanes = 6 MaxLines = 12 PERSP2D MACRO ;final projection from world to screen coords neg.w d2 ;world +z is forward,screen perspective is away move.w d2,-(sp) move.b (sp)+,d2 ; shift d2 8 bits down ext.w d2 add.w #GOURAUD_Z_DIST,d2 ; 78 and eye Z determines Field of View. divs d2,d0 divs d2,d1 add.w #CUBE_WIDTH/2,d0 ;center horizontally on the screen ;asr.w #1,d0 add.w #CUBE_HEIGHT/2,d1 ;center vertically ;asr.w #1,d1 ENDM gou_calculate_cube_stuff: PUTMSG 50,<"Out CD %p">,a1 ; rotate 3D object bsr gou_rotate_cube lea cd_CubeNormals-6+4(a1),a2 lea gou_cube_plane_coords(pc),a3 ; calculate which planes use which coords moveq.l #-1,d1 lea cd_PlanesToDraw(a1),a0 move.l d1,(a0) move.w pd_CubeCullingValue(a6),d5 moveq.l #0,d1 ; coords in use moveq.l #0,d2 ; lines in use moveq.l #0,d3 ; inner lines moveq.l #MaxPlanes-1,d7 .planeloop1 addq.w #6,a2 move.l (a3)+,d0 cmp.w (a2),d5 dbmi d7,.planeloop1 bpl .doneculling move.b d7,(a0)+ ; write down first plane number (5 and decreasing) move.w d0,d1 ; coordinates used for first plane swap d0 move.w d0,d2 subq.w #1,d7 bmi .doneculling .planeloop2 addq.w #6,a2 move.l (a3)+,d0 cmp.w (a2),d5 dbmi d7,.planeloop2 bpl .doneculling move.b d7,(a0)+ ; write down second plane number (4 and decreasing) or.w d0,d1 ; or coordinates used for second plane swap d0 move.w d0,d4 and.w d2,d4 or.w d4,d3 ; inner lines or.w d0,d2 ; used lines subq.w #1,d7 bmi.s .doneculling .planeloop3 addq.w #6,a2 move.l (a3)+,d0 cmp.w (a2),d5 dbmi d7,.planeloop3 bpl.s .doneculling move.b d7,(a0)+ ; write down third plane number (3 and decreasing) or.w d0,d1 ; or coordinates used for third plane swap d0 move.w d0,d4 and.w d2,d4 or.w d4,d3 ; inner lines or.w d0,d2 ; used lines .doneculling move.w d2,cd_LinesToDraw(a1) move.w d3,cd_InnerLines(a1) move.w d1,d7 ; save coordinate mask for loop below ; do projection on required coordinates lea cd_Coords(a1),a0 ; rotated vertices lea cd_ProjCoords(a1),a2 ; projected coords bra.s .vertexl .skip beq.s .done addq.w #6,a0 addq.w #4,a2 .vertexl lsr.w #1,d7 bcc.s .skip movem.w (a0)+,d0-d2 ; x0,y0,z0 PERSP2D ; d0/d1 result, d2 trashed PUTMSG 50,<"Proj %d,%d">,d0,d1 move.w d0,(a2)+ move.w d1,(a2)+ bra.s .vertexl .done rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- SETGRAYCOL0 MACRO ; 0 ENDM SETGRAYCOL1 MACRO ; 1 bchg d7,(a4) ENDM SETGRAYCOL2 MACRO ; 3 bchg d7,(a4) bchg d7,1*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) ENDM SETGRAYCOL3 MACRO ; 7 bchg d7,(a4) bchg d7,1*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) bchg d7,2*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) ENDM SETGRAYCOL4 MACRO ; 15 bchg d7,(a4) bchg d7,1*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) bchg d7,2*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) bchg d7,3*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) ENDM SETGRAYCOL5 MACRO ; 11 bchg d7,(a4) bchg d7,1*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) bchg d7,3*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) ENDM SETGRAYCOL6 MACRO ; 9 bchg d7,(a4) bchg d7,3*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) ENDM SETGRAYCOL7 MACRO ; 8 bchg d7,3*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) ENDM SETGRAYCOL8 MACRO ; 12 bchg d7,2*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) bchg d7,3*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) ENDM SETGRAYCOL9 MACRO ; 13 bchg d7,0*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) bchg d7,2*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) bchg d7,3*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) ENDM SETGRAYCOL10 MACRO ; 5 bchg d7,0*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) bchg d7,2*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) ENDM SETGRAYCOL11 MACRO ; 4 bchg d7,2*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) ENDM SETGRAYCOL12 MACRO ; 6 bchg d7,1*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) bchg d7,2*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) ENDM SETGRAYCOL13 MACRO ; 14 bchg d7,1*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) bchg d7,2*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) bchg d7,3*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) ENDM SETGRAYCOL14 MACRO ; 10 bchg d7,1*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) bchg d7,3*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) ENDM SETGRAYCOL15 MACRO ; 2 bchg d7,1*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)(a4) ENDM LINEDRAWSELECT MACRO add.w d1,d1 ; 2*dx move.w d2,d0 ; dy will become loopcount subq.w #1,d0 ; loopcount bmi .linedone ENDM LINEDRAW MACRO .enter\1 PUTMSG 50,<"dtdz=%lx, dcol=%lx, zerror=%lx">,d5,a3,d6 move.l d5,a1 ; dtdz move.w d2,d5 ; error = dy add.w d2,d2 ; 2*dy subq.w #1,d4 .yloop\@ PUTMSG 50,<"dtdz=%lx, dcol=%lx, zerror=%lx x=%d, y=%d">,a1,a3,d6,d3,d4 lea (CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)*CUBE_PLANES(a4),a4 addq.w #1,d4 ; !!!!! ypos++ sub.w d1,d5 ; error -= 2 * dx bpl.s .nox\@ sub.l a3,d6 ; zerror -= dcol (for y movement) .morex\@ IFGT \3 addq.w #1,d3 ; !!!!! xpos++ subq.w #1,d7 ; bitpos bpl.s .noai\@ moveq.l #7,d7 addq.w #1,a4 ELSE subq.w #1,d3 ; !!!!! xpos-- addq.w #1,d7 ; bitpos bne.s .noai\@ moveq.l #-8,d7 subq.w #1,a4 ENDC .noai\@ sub.l a3,d6 ; zerror -= dcol (for x movement) bpl.s .nozm\@ add.w d2,d5 ; error += 2 * dy .morez\1 .morez\@ PUTMSG 40,<"\1 ->> \2 LinePoint %d,%d %lx">,d3,d4,d6 move.w d4,(a2)+ ; add line point ypos move.w d3,(a2)+ ; add line point xpos add.l a1,d6 ; zerror += dtdz bmi.s .morez\2 tst.w d5 bra.s .nozm\2 .nozm\@ add.w d2,d5 ; error += 2 * dy .nozm\1 bmi.s .morex\@ bra.s .ldone\@ .nox\@ sub.l a3,d6 ; zerror -= dcol (for y movement) bmi.s .morez\@ .ldone\@ SETGRAYCOL\4 dbra d0,.yloop\@ bra .linedone ENDM LINEDRAW_SC MACRO .enter\1 move.w d2,d5 ; error = dy add.w d2,d2 ; 2*dy .yloop\@ lea (CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)*CUBE_PLANES(a4),a4 sub.w d1,d5 ; error -= 2 * dx bpl.s .ldone\@ .morex\@ IFGT \2 subq.w #1,d7 ; bitpos bpl.s .noai\@ moveq.l #7,d7 addq.w #1,a4 ELSE addq.w #1,d7 ; bitpos bne.s .noai\@ moveq.l #-8,d7 subq.w #1,a4 ENDC .noai\@ add.w d2,d5 ; error += 2 * dy bmi.s .morex\@ .ldone\@ SETGRAYCOL\3 dbra d0,.yloop\@ bra .linedone ENDM ZEROIPOL MACRO subq.w #1,d1 ; loopcount .xloop\@ IFGT \1 addq.w #1,d3 ; !!!!! xpos++ ELSE subq.w #1,d3 ; !!!!! xpos-- ENDC sub.l d0,d6 ; zerror -= dcol (for y movement) dbmi d1,.xloop\@ bpl .linedone .morez\@ PUTMSG 40,<"LinePoint %d,%d">,d3,d4 move.w d4,(a2)+ ; add line point ypos move.w d3,(a2)+ ; add line point xpos add.l d5,d6 ; zerror += dtdz dbmi d1,.xloop\@ bmi.s .morez\@ bra .linedone ENDM ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; a1 = cubedata gou_interpolate_outer_cube_lines: PUTMSG 20,<"%d: ----- gou_interpolate_outer_cube_lines">,fw_FrameCounter-2(a6) move.w cd_LinesToDraw(a1),d7 sub.w cd_InnerLines(a1),d7 bne.s .cont rts .cont lea cd_IntCubeLines(a1),a0 lea cd_ProjCoords(a1),a2 lea cd_Coords(a1),a3 ; z coords move.l pd_CurrCubeLinePtr(a6),a4 .loop PUTMSG 20,<"Line %x">,d7 lsr.w #1,d7 bcc .skipline PUSHM d7/a1-a4 PUTMSG 40,<"%p/%p/%p/%p From/To %d - %d">,a0,a1,a2,a3,il_FromCoord-2(a0),il_ToCoord-2(a0) move.w #GOURAUD_Z_ADD,d2 move.w il_FromCoord(a0),d0 move.l (a2,d0.w),il_FromX(a0) lsr.w #1,d0 add.w il_FromCoord(a0),d0 move.w 2*2(a3,d0.w),d0 add.w d2,d0 move.w d0,il_FromZ(a0) move.w il_ToCoord(a0),d1 move.l (a2,d1.w),il_ToX(a0) lsr.w #1,d1 add.w il_ToCoord(a0),d1 move.w 2*2(a3,d1.w),d1 add.w d2,d1 move.w d1,il_ToZ(a0) move.w d0,d2 eor.w d1,d2 cmp.w #1<,d0,d1 lea il_Coords(a0),a2 move.w d0,d6 ; will become zpos sub.w d1,d0 ; deltaz neg.w d0 move.w il_ToX(a0),d1 move.w il_FromX(a0),d3 ; startx sub.w d3,d1 ; deltax move.w il_ToY(a0),d2 move.w il_FromY(a0),d4 sub.w d4,d2 ; deltay smi il_Flipped(a0) beq .zerody bpl.s .noflipy neg.w d0 ; flip deltaz neg.w d1 ; flip deltax neg.w d2 ; flip deltay move.w il_ToX(a0),d3 ; swap startx move.w il_ToY(a0),d4 ; swap starty move.w il_ToZ(a0),d6 ; swap zpos .noflipy PUTMSG 40,<"X/Y/Z=%d,%d,%d, DX/DY/DZ = %d/%d/%d">,d3,d4,d6,d1,d2,d0 move.w d6,d7 lsr.w #8,d7 lsr.w #16-(gouraudErrShift+8),d7 ; col lsl.w #gouraudErrShift,d6 ; zpos tst.w d0 ; deltaz smi il_DzNeg(a0) bmi.s .noflipz not.w d6 ; $ffff - zpos neg.w d0 ; deltaz now negative .noflipz neg.w d0 ; abs(deltaz) ext.l d0 lsl.l #gouraudErrShift,d0 ; dcol PUTMSG 40,<"Col=%d, dcol=%ld, zpos=%x">,d7,d0,d6 moveq.l #0,d5 ; dtdz move.w d1,d5 bpl.s .noabsx neg.w d5 ; abs(dx) .noabsx add.w d2,d5 ; abs(dx)+dy (dy always positive) mulu d5,d6 ; zerror = (dtdz>>16)*zpos swap d5 ; now really dtdz lsl.w #2,d7 ; calculate color start routine move.w d7,a1 move.l d0,a3 move.w d4,d0 lsl.w #6,d0 ; replaced mulu by shift ;mulu #(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)*CUBE_PLANES,d0 adda.w d0,a4 ; start pos y moveq.l #7,d7 and.w d3,d7 move.w d3,d0 lsr.w #3,d0 adda.w d0,a4 tst.w d1 ; dx? bmi .downleft .downright ; d0.w = loopcount.w ; d1.w = dx -> 2*dx.w ; d2.w = dy -> 2*dy.w ; d3.w = xpos -> xpos.w ; d4.w = ypos -> ypos.w ; d5.l = dtdz -> error.w ; d6.l = zerror.l ; d7.l = bitpos ; a1.l = dtdz.l ; a2.l = line output pointer ; a3.l = dcol.l ; a4.l = bitplane pointer eor.w #7,d7 tst.b il_DzNeg(a0) bmi.s .downright_neg LINEDRAWSELECT jmp .ruptab(pc,a1.w) .ruptab bra.w .enterrupm3 bra.w .enterrupm2 bra.w .enterrupm1 bra.w .enterrup0 bra.w .enterrup1 bra.w .enterrup2 bra.w .enterrup3 bra.w .enterrup4 bra.w .enterrup5 bra.w .enterrup6 bra.w .enterrup7 bra.w .enterrup8 bra.w .enterrup9 bra.w .enterrup10 bra.w .enterrup11 bra.w .enterrup12 bra.w .enterrup13 bra.w .enterrup14 bra.w .enterrup15 bra.w .enterrup15 bra.w .enterrup15 bra.w .enterrup15 bra.w .enterrup15 bra.w .enterrup15 .downright_neg LINEDRAWSELECT jmp .rdowntab(pc,a1.w) .rdowntab bra.w .enterrdown0 bra.w .enterrdown0 bra.w .enterrdown0 bra.w .enterrdown0 bra.w .enterrdown1 bra.w .enterrdown2 bra.w .enterrdown3 bra.w .enterrdown4 bra.w .enterrdown5 bra.w .enterrdown6 bra.w .enterrdown7 bra.w .enterrdown8 bra.w .enterrdown9 bra.w .enterrdown10 bra.w .enterrdown11 bra.w .enterrdown12 bra.w .enterrdown13 bra.w .enterrdown14 bra.w .enterrdown15 bra.w .enterrdown16 bra.w .enterrdown17 bra.w .enterrdown18 bra.w .enterrdown19 bra.w .enterrdown20 .downleft neg.w d1 not.w d7 tst.b il_DzNeg(a0) bmi.s .downleft_neg LINEDRAWSELECT jmp .luptab(pc,a1.w) .luptab bra.w .enterlupm3 bra.w .enterlupm2 bra.w .enterlupm1 bra.w .enterlup0 bra.w .enterlup1 bra.w .enterlup2 bra.w .enterlup3 bra.w .enterlup4 bra.w .enterlup5 bra.w .enterlup6 bra.w .enterlup7 bra.w .enterlup8 bra.w .enterlup9 bra.w .enterlup10 bra.w .enterlup11 bra.w .enterlup12 bra.w .enterlup13 bra.w .enterlup14 bra.w .enterlup15 bra.w .enterlup15 bra.w .enterlup15 bra.w .enterlup15 bra.w .enterlup15 bra.w .enterlup15 .downleft_neg LINEDRAWSELECT jmp .ldowntab(pc,a1.w) .ldowntab bra.w .enterldown0 bra.w .enterldown0 bra.w .enterldown0 bra.w .enterldown0 bra.w .enterldown1 bra.w .enterldown2 bra.w .enterldown3 bra.w .enterldown4 bra.w .enterldown5 bra.w .enterldown6 bra.w .enterldown7 bra.w .enterldown8 bra.w .enterldown9 bra.w .enterldown10 bra.w .enterldown11 bra.w .enterldown12 bra.w .enterldown13 bra.w .enterldown14 bra.w .enterldown15 bra.w .enterldown16 bra.w .enterldown17 bra.w .enterldown18 bra.w .enterldown19 bra.w .enterldown20 .zerodydx PUTMSG 40,<"Zero DX/DY"> moveq.l #0,d7 moveq.l #0,d6 move.b il_FromZ(a0),d7 lsr.w #gouraudColShift-8,d7 move.b il_ToZ(a0),d6 lsr.w #gouraudColShift-8,d6 sub.w d6,d7 beq.s .linedone bpl.s .noflipdz neg.w d7 .noflipdz subq.w #1,d7 .loopspotcols move.w d4,(a2)+ ; add line point ypos move.w d3,(a2)+ ; add line point xpos dbra d7,.loopspotcols bra.s .linedone .zerody PUTMSG 40,<"Zero DY"> tst.w d1 beq.s .zerodydx lsl.w #gouraudErrShift,d6 ; zpos tst.w d0 ; deltaz smi il_DzNeg(a0) bmi.s .noflipz2 not.w d6 ; $ffff - zpos neg.w d0 ; deltaz now negative .noflipz2 neg.w d0 ; abs(deltaz) ext.l d0 lsl.l #gouraudErrShift,d0 ; dcol moveq.l #0,d5 ; dtdz move.w d1,d5 bmi.s .plainleft ; d0.l = dcol.l ; d1.w = dx -> loopcount.w ; d3.w = xpos.w ; d3.w = ypos.w ; d5.l = dtdz.l ; d6.l = zerror.l .plainright mulu d5,d6 ; zerror = (dtdz>>16)*zpos swap d5 ; now really dtdz ZEROIPOL 1 .plainleft neg.w d5 ; abs(dx) mulu d5,d6 ; zerror = (dtdz>>16)*zpos swap d5 ; now really dtdz neg.w d1 ZEROIPOL -1 .linedone suba.l a0,a2 move.w a2,d0 lsr.w #2,d0 move.w d0,il_NumCoords(a0) POPM .skipline lea il_SIZEOF(a0),a0 tst.w d7 bne .loop rts .samecolorspecialcase PUTMSG 40,<"Same color special case from %d to %d">,d0,d1 lea il_Coords(a0),a2 move.w il_ToX(a0),d1 move.w il_FromX(a0),d3 ; startx sub.w d3,d1 ; deltax move.w il_ToY(a0),d2 move.w il_FromY(a0),d4 sub.w d4,d2 ; deltay smi il_Flipped(a0) beq.s .linedone bpl.s .noflipy_sc neg.w d1 ; flip deltax neg.w d2 ; flip deltay move.w il_ToX(a0),d3 ; swap startx move.w il_ToY(a0),d4 ; swap starty .noflipy_sc PUTMSG 50,<"X/Y=%d,%d, DX/DY = %d/%d">,d3,d4,d1,d2 move.w d0,d7 ;rol.w #(gouraudErrShift+2),d7 asr.w #8,d7 asr.w #16-(gouraudErrShift+8),d7 ; col PUTMSG 50,<"Col=%d">,d7 lsl.w #2,d7 ; calculate color start routine move.w d7,a1 lsl.w #6,d4 ; replaced mulu by shift ;mulu #(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)*CUBE_PLANES,d4 adda.w d4,a4 ; start pos y moveq.l #7,d7 and.w d3,d7 move.w d3,d0 lsr.w #3,d0 adda.w d0,a4 tst.w d1 ; dx? bmi .downleft_sc .downright_sc ; d0.w = loopcount.w ; d1.w = dx -> 2*dx.w ; d2.w = dy -> 2*dy.w ; d3.w = xpos -> xpos.w ; d4.w = ypos -> ypos.w ; d7.l = bitpos ; a4.l = bitplane pointer eor.w #7,d7 tst.b il_DzNeg(a0) bmi.s .downright_neg_sc LINEDRAWSELECT jmp .ruptab_sc(pc,a1.w) .ruptab_sc bra.w .enterrup_sc0 bra.w .enterrup_sc0 bra.w .enterrup_sc0 bra.w .enterrup_sc0 bra.w .enterrup_sc1 bra.w .enterrup_sc2 bra.w .enterrup_sc3 bra.w .enterrup_sc4 bra.w .enterrup_sc5 bra.w .enterrup_sc6 bra.w .enterrup_sc7 bra.w .enterrup_sc8 bra.w .enterrup_sc9 bra.w .enterrup_sc10 bra.w .enterrup_sc11 bra.w .enterrup_sc12 bra.w .enterrup_sc13 bra.w .enterrup_sc14 bra.w .enterrup_sc15 bra.w .enterrup_sc15 bra.w .enterrup_sc15 bra.w .enterrup_sc15 bra.w .enterrup_sc15 bra.w .enterrup_sc15 .downright_neg_sc LINEDRAWSELECT jmp .rdowntab_sc(pc,a1.w) .rdowntab_sc bra.w .enterrdown_sc0 bra.w .enterrdown_sc0 bra.w .enterrdown_sc0 bra.w .enterrdown_sc0 bra.w .enterrdown_sc1 bra.w .enterrdown_sc2 bra.w .enterrdown_sc3 bra.w .enterrdown_sc4 bra.w .enterrdown_sc5 bra.w .enterrdown_sc6 bra.w .enterrdown_sc7 bra.w .enterrdown_sc8 bra.w .enterrdown_sc9 bra.w .enterrdown_sc10 bra.w .enterrdown_sc11 bra.w .enterrdown_sc12 bra.w .enterrdown_sc13 bra.w .enterrdown_sc14 bra.w .enterrdown_sc15 bra.w .enterrdown_sc15 bra.w .enterrdown_sc15 bra.w .enterrdown_sc15 bra.w .enterrdown_sc15 bra.w .enterrdown_sc15 .downleft_sc neg.w d1 not.w d7 tst.b il_DzNeg(a0) bmi.s .downleft_neg_sc LINEDRAWSELECT jmp .luptab_sc(pc,a1.w) .luptab_sc bra.w .enterlup_sc0 bra.w .enterlup_sc0 bra.w .enterlup_sc0 bra.w .enterlup_sc0 bra.w .enterlup_sc1 bra.w .enterlup_sc2 bra.w .enterlup_sc3 bra.w .enterlup_sc4 bra.w .enterlup_sc5 bra.w .enterlup_sc6 bra.w .enterlup_sc7 bra.w .enterlup_sc8 bra.w .enterlup_sc9 bra.w .enterlup_sc10 bra.w .enterlup_sc11 bra.w .enterlup_sc12 bra.w .enterlup_sc13 bra.w .enterlup_sc14 bra.w .enterlup_sc15 bra.w .enterlup_sc15 bra.w .enterlup_sc15 bra.w .enterlup_sc15 bra.w .enterlup_sc15 bra.w .enterlup_sc15 .downleft_neg_sc LINEDRAWSELECT jmp .ldowntab_sc(pc,a1.w) .ldowntab_sc bra.w .enterldown_sc0 bra.w .enterldown_sc0 bra.w .enterldown_sc0 bra.w .enterldown_sc0 bra.w .enterldown_sc1 bra.w .enterldown_sc2 bra.w .enterldown_sc3 bra.w .enterldown_sc4 bra.w .enterldown_sc5 bra.w .enterldown_sc6 bra.w .enterldown_sc7 bra.w .enterldown_sc8 bra.w .enterldown_sc9 bra.w .enterldown_sc10 bra.w .enterldown_sc11 bra.w .enterldown_sc12 bra.w .enterldown_sc13 bra.w .enterldown_sc14 bra.w .enterldown_sc15 bra.w .enterldown_sc15 bra.w .enterldown_sc15 bra.w .enterldown_sc15 bra.w .enterldown_sc15 bra.w .enterldown_sc15 LINEDRAW rupm3,rupm2,1,0 LINEDRAW rupm2,rupm1,1,0 LINEDRAW rupm1,rup0,1,0 LINEDRAW rup0,rup1,1,0 LINEDRAW rup1,rup2,1,1 LINEDRAW rup2,rup3,1,2 LINEDRAW rup3,rup4,1,3 LINEDRAW rup4,rup5,1,4 LINEDRAW rup5,rup6,1,5 LINEDRAW rup6,rup7,1,6 LINEDRAW rup7,rup8,1,7 LINEDRAW rup8,rup9,1,8 LINEDRAW rup9,rup10,1,9 LINEDRAW rup10,rup11,1,10 LINEDRAW rup11,rup12,1,11 LINEDRAW rup12,rup13,1,12 LINEDRAW rup13,rup14,1,13 LINEDRAW rup14,rup15,1,14 LINEDRAW rup15,rup15,1,15 LINEDRAW lupm3,lupm2,-1,0 LINEDRAW lupm2,lupm1,-1,0 LINEDRAW lupm1,lup0,-1,0 LINEDRAW lup0,lup1,-1,0 LINEDRAW lup1,lup2,-1,1 LINEDRAW lup2,lup3,-1,2 LINEDRAW lup3,lup4,-1,3 LINEDRAW lup4,lup5,-1,4 LINEDRAW lup5,lup6,-1,5 LINEDRAW lup6,lup7,-1,6 LINEDRAW lup7,lup8,-1,7 LINEDRAW lup8,lup9,-1,8 LINEDRAW lup9,lup10,-1,9 LINEDRAW lup10,lup11,-1,10 LINEDRAW lup11,lup12,-1,11 LINEDRAW lup12,lup13,-1,12 LINEDRAW lup13,lup14,-1,13 LINEDRAW lup14,lup15,-1,14 LINEDRAW lup15,lup15,-1,15 LINEDRAW rdown0,rdown0,1,0 LINEDRAW rdown1,rdown0,1,1 LINEDRAW rdown2,rdown1,1,2 LINEDRAW rdown3,rdown2,1,3 LINEDRAW rdown4,rdown3,1,4 LINEDRAW rdown5,rdown4,1,5 LINEDRAW rdown6,rdown5,1,6 LINEDRAW rdown7,rdown6,1,7 LINEDRAW rdown8,rdown7,1,8 LINEDRAW rdown9,rdown8,1,9 LINEDRAW rdown10,rdown9,1,10 LINEDRAW rdown11,rdown10,1,11 LINEDRAW rdown12,rdown11,1,12 LINEDRAW rdown13,rdown12,1,13 LINEDRAW rdown14,rdown13,1,14 LINEDRAW rdown15,rdown14,1,15 LINEDRAW rdown16,rdown15,1,15 LINEDRAW rdown17,rdown16,1,15 LINEDRAW rdown18,rdown17,1,15 LINEDRAW rdown19,rdown18,1,15 LINEDRAW rdown20,rdown19,1,15 LINEDRAW ldown0,ldown0,-1,0 LINEDRAW ldown1,ldown0,-1,1 LINEDRAW ldown2,ldown1,-1,2 LINEDRAW ldown3,ldown2,-1,3 LINEDRAW ldown4,ldown3,-1,4 LINEDRAW ldown5,ldown4,-1,5 LINEDRAW ldown6,ldown5,-1,6 LINEDRAW ldown7,ldown6,-1,7 LINEDRAW ldown8,ldown7,-1,8 LINEDRAW ldown9,ldown8,-1,9 LINEDRAW ldown10,ldown9,-1,10 LINEDRAW ldown11,ldown10,-1,11 LINEDRAW ldown12,ldown11,-1,12 LINEDRAW ldown13,ldown12,-1,13 LINEDRAW ldown14,ldown13,-1,14 LINEDRAW ldown15,ldown14,-1,15 LINEDRAW ldown16,ldown15,-1,15 LINEDRAW ldown17,ldown16,-1,15 LINEDRAW ldown18,ldown17,-1,15 LINEDRAW ldown19,ldown18,-1,15 LINEDRAW ldown20,ldown19,-1,15 LINEDRAW_SC rup_sc0,1,0 LINEDRAW_SC rup_sc1,1,1 LINEDRAW_SC rup_sc2,1,2 LINEDRAW_SC rup_sc3,1,3 LINEDRAW_SC rup_sc4,1,4 LINEDRAW_SC rup_sc5,1,5 LINEDRAW_SC rup_sc6,1,6 LINEDRAW_SC rup_sc7,1,7 LINEDRAW_SC rup_sc8,1,8 LINEDRAW_SC rup_sc9,1,9 LINEDRAW_SC rup_sc10,1,10 LINEDRAW_SC rup_sc11,1,11 LINEDRAW_SC rup_sc12,1,12 LINEDRAW_SC rup_sc13,1,13 LINEDRAW_SC rup_sc14,1,14 LINEDRAW_SC rup_sc15,1,15 LINEDRAW_SC lup_sc0,-1,0 LINEDRAW_SC lup_sc1,-1,1 LINEDRAW_SC lup_sc2,-1,2 LINEDRAW_SC lup_sc3,-1,3 LINEDRAW_SC lup_sc4,-1,4 LINEDRAW_SC lup_sc5,-1,5 LINEDRAW_SC lup_sc6,-1,6 LINEDRAW_SC lup_sc7,-1,7 LINEDRAW_SC lup_sc8,-1,8 LINEDRAW_SC lup_sc9,-1,9 LINEDRAW_SC lup_sc10,-1,10 LINEDRAW_SC lup_sc11,-1,11 LINEDRAW_SC lup_sc12,-1,12 LINEDRAW_SC lup_sc13,-1,13 LINEDRAW_SC lup_sc14,-1,14 LINEDRAW_SC lup_sc15,-1,15 LINEDRAW_SC rdown_sc0,1,0 LINEDRAW_SC rdown_sc1,1,1 LINEDRAW_SC rdown_sc2,1,2 LINEDRAW_SC rdown_sc3,1,3 LINEDRAW_SC rdown_sc4,1,4 LINEDRAW_SC rdown_sc5,1,5 LINEDRAW_SC rdown_sc6,1,6 LINEDRAW_SC rdown_sc7,1,7 LINEDRAW_SC rdown_sc8,1,8 LINEDRAW_SC rdown_sc9,1,9 LINEDRAW_SC rdown_sc10,1,10 LINEDRAW_SC rdown_sc11,1,11 LINEDRAW_SC rdown_sc12,1,12 LINEDRAW_SC rdown_sc13,1,13 LINEDRAW_SC rdown_sc14,1,14 LINEDRAW_SC rdown_sc15,1,15 LINEDRAW_SC ldown_sc0,-1,0 LINEDRAW_SC ldown_sc1,-1,1 LINEDRAW_SC ldown_sc2,-1,2 LINEDRAW_SC ldown_sc3,-1,3 LINEDRAW_SC ldown_sc4,-1,4 LINEDRAW_SC ldown_sc5,-1,5 LINEDRAW_SC ldown_sc6,-1,6 LINEDRAW_SC ldown_sc7,-1,7 LINEDRAW_SC ldown_sc8,-1,8 LINEDRAW_SC ldown_sc9,-1,9 LINEDRAW_SC ldown_sc10,-1,10 LINEDRAW_SC ldown_sc11,-1,11 LINEDRAW_SC ldown_sc12,-1,12 LINEDRAW_SC ldown_sc13,-1,13 LINEDRAW_SC ldown_sc14,-1,14 LINEDRAW_SC ldown_sc15,-1,15 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- LINEIPOL MACRO move.w d2,d7 ; error (=dy) add.w d1,d1 ; 2*dx move.w d2,d0 add.w d2,d2 ; 2*dy subq.w #1,d0 ; loopcount (top word) bmi .linedone .yloop\@ addq.w #1,d4 ; !!!!! ypos++ sub.w d1,d7 ; error -= 2 * dx bpl.s .nox\@ sub.l a3,d6 ; zerror -= dcol (for y movement) .morex\@ IFGT \1 addq.w #1,d3 ; !!!!! xpos++ ELSE subq.w #1,d3 ; !!!!! xpos-- ENDC add.w d2,d7 ; error += 2 * dy sub.l a3,d6 ; zerror -= dcol (for x movement) bpl.s .nozm\@ .morez\@ PUTMSG 40,<"LinePoint %d,%d">,d3,d4 move.w d4,(a2)+ ; add line point (ypos) move.w d3,(a2)+ ; add line point (xpos) add.l d5,d6 ; zerror += dtdz bmi.s .morez\@ .nozm\@ tst.w d7 bmi.s .morex\@ dbra d0,.yloop\@ bra .linedone .nox\@ sub.l a3,d6 ; zerror -= dcol (for y movement) bpl.s .ldone\@ .zmin\@ PUTMSG 40,<"LinePoint %d,%d">,d3,d4 move.w d4,(a2)+ ; add line point (ypos) move.w d3,(a2)+ ; add line point (xpos) add.l d5,d6 ; zerror += dtdz bmi.s .zmin\@ .ldone\@ dbra d0,.yloop\@ bra .linedone ENDM ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; a1 = cubedata gou_interpolate_inner_cube_lines: PUTMSG 20,<"%d: ----- gou_interpolate_inner_cube_lines">,fw_FrameCounter-2(a6) move.w cd_InnerLines(a1),d7 bne.s .cont rts .cont lea cd_IntCubeLines(a1),a0 lea cd_ProjCoords(a1),a2 lea cd_Coords(a1),a3 ; z coords .loop PUTMSG 50,<"Line %x">,d7 lsr.w #1,d7 bcc .skipline PUSHM d7/a2-a3 PUTMSG 40,<"%p/%p/%p/%p From/To %d - %d">,a0,a1,a2,a3,il_FromCoord-2(a0),il_ToCoord-2(a0) move.w #GOURAUD_Z_ADD,d2 move.w il_FromCoord(a0),d0 move.l (a2,d0.w),il_FromX(a0) lsr.w #1,d0 add.w il_FromCoord(a0),d0 move.w 2*2(a3,d0.w),d0 add.w d2,d0 move.w d0,il_FromZ(a0) move.w il_ToCoord(a0),d1 move.l (a2,d1.w),il_ToX(a0) lsr.w #1,d1 add.w il_ToCoord(a0),d1 move.w 2*2(a3,d1.w),d1 add.w d2,d1 move.w d1,il_ToZ(a0) PUTMSG 40,<"Z from %d to %d">,d0,d1 lea il_Coords(a0),a2 move.l a2,a3 move.w d0,d6 ; will become zpos sub.w d1,d0 ; deltaz neg.w d0 move.w il_ToX(a0),d1 move.w il_FromX(a0),d3 ; startx sub.w d3,d1 ; deltax move.w il_ToY(a0),d2 move.w il_FromY(a0),d4 sub.w d4,d2 ; deltay smi il_Flipped(a0) bpl.s .noflipy neg.w d0 ; flip deltaz neg.w d1 ; flip deltax neg.w d2 ; flip deltay move.w il_ToX(a0),d3 ; swap startx move.w il_ToY(a0),d4 ; swap starty move.w il_ToZ(a0),d6 ; swap zpos .noflipy PUTMSG 40,<"X/Y/Z=%d,%d,%d, DX/DY/DZ = %d/%d/%d">,d3,d4,d6,d1,d2,d0 lsl.w #gouraudErrShift,d6 ; zpos tst.w d0 ; deltaz smi il_DzNeg(a0) bmi.s .noflipz not.w d6 ; $ffff - zpos neg.w d0 ; deltaz now negative .noflipz neg.w d0 ; abs(deltaz) ext.l d0 lsl.l #gouraudErrShift,d0 ; dcol PUTMSG 40,<"dcol=%ld, zpos=%x">,d0,d6 moveq.l #0,d5 ; dtdz move.w d1,d5 bpl.s .noabsx neg.w d5 ; abs(dx) .noabsx add.w d2,d5 ; abs(dx)+dy (dy always positive) mulu d5,d6 ; zerror = (dtdz>>16)*zpos swap d5 ; now really dtdz tst.w d2 beq .contzerody move.l d0,a3 tst.w d1 ; dx? bmi .downleft .downright ; d0.w = loopcount.w ; d1.w = dx -> 2*dx.w ; d2.w = dy -> 2*dy.w ; d3.w = xpos -> xpos.w ; d4.w = ypos -> ypos.w ; d5.l = dtdz.l ; d6.l = zerror.l ; d7.l = error.w ; a3.l = dcol.l ; LINEIPOL 1 .downleft neg.w d1 LINEIPOL -1 .zerodydx PUTMSG 40,<"Zero DX/DY (inner)"> moveq.l #0,d7 moveq.l #0,d6 move.b il_FromZ(a0),d7 lsr.w #gouraudColShift-8,d7 move.b il_ToZ(a0),d6 lsr.w #gouraudColShift-8,d6 sub.w d6,d7 beq.s .linedone bpl.s .noflipdz neg.w d7 .noflipdz subq.w #1,d7 .loopspotcols move.w d4,(a2)+ ; add line point ypos move.w d3,(a2)+ ; add line point xpos dbra d7,.loopspotcols bra.s .linedone .contzerody ; d0.l = dcol.l ; d1.w = dx -> loopcount.w ; d3.w = xpos.w ; d3.w = ypos.w ; d5.l = dtdz.l ; d6.l = zerror.l tst.w d1 ; dx? beq.s .zerodydx bmi .plainleft .plainright ZEROIPOL 1 .plainleft neg.w d1 ZEROIPOL -1 .linedone suba.l a0,a2 move.w a2,d0 lsr.w #2,d0 move.w d0,il_NumCoords(a0) POPM .skipline lea il_SIZEOF(a0),a0 tst.w d7 bne .loop rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYLINEDATA MACRO move.w il_NumCoords(\1),d4 beq.s .lcskip\@ btst #\2,d5 IF \3 beq.s .lcrev\@ ELSE bne.s .lcrev\@ ENDC PUTMSG 50,<"\2 %d coords fwd">,d4 subq.w #1,d4 .lcloop\@ move.l (\1)+,(\4)+ ; write left part 1 (in order) dbra d4,.lcloop\@ bra.s .lcskip\@ .lcrev\@ PUTMSG 50,<"\2 %d coords bkw">,d4 adda.w d4,\1 adda.w d4,\1 adda.w d4,\1 adda.w d4,\1 subq.w #1,d4 .lcrloop\@ move.l -(\1),(\4)+ ; write left part 1 (in order) dbra d4,.lcrloop\@ .lcskip\@ ENDM ; a1 = cubedata gou_draw_inner_lines: moveq.l #0,d7 move.b cd_PlanesToDraw(a1),d7 bpl.s .cont .done rts .cont PUTMSG 40,<"Plane Number: %d">,d7 PUSHM a1 lea pd_BQLineInit(a6),a0 CALLFW AddToBlitterQueue POPM lea pd_BQLines(a6),a4 bsr.s .doit moveq.l #0,d7 move.b cd_PlanesToDraw+1(a1),d7 bmi.s .done bsr.s .doit moveq.l #0,d7 move.b cd_PlanesToDraw+2(a1),d7 bmi.s .done .doit PUSHM a1/a4 lsl.w #3,d7 move.l a1,a4 lea gou_cube_planes_to_lines(pc),a0 movem.w (a0,d7.w),a0-a3 adda.l a4,a0 adda.l a4,a1 adda.l a4,a2 adda.l a4,a3 PUTMSG 40,<"%p Lines %lx,%lx,%lx,%lx">,a1,il_FromCoord(a0),il_FromCoord(a1),il_FromCoord(a2),il_FromCoord(a3) move.l il_FromCoord(a0),d4 ; and il_ToCoord (0) move.l il_FromCoord(a1),d5 ; and il_ToCoord (1) cmp.w d4,d5 ; to_0 == to_1 ? beq.s .l1l_l2r_l3r_l4l ; l1 linear, l2 reversed swap d4 cmp.w d4,d5 ; from_0 == to_1 ? beq .l1r_l2r_l3l_l4l ; l1 reversed, l2 reversed .l1l_l2l_l3l_l4r move.w il_FromZ(a0),d4 sub.w il_FromZ(a2),d4 move.w d4,d6 bpl.s .nofl0 neg.w d6 .nofl0 move.w il_FromZ(a1),d5 sub.w il_ToZ(a3),d5 move.w d5,d7 bpl.s .nofr0 neg.w d7 .nofr0 cmp.w d7,d6 blt.s .l1l_l2l_l3l_l4r_dz13 ; abs(dz02) < abs(dz13) ; dz02 dominant move.b il_FromZ(a2),d6 ; startZ = coord 2 moveq.l #0+0+0+8+0+0,d7 tst.w d4 bpl .contl moveq.l #0+0+0+8+0+32,d7 move.b il_FromZ(a0),d6 ; startZ = coord 0 bra .contl .l1l_l2l_l3l_l4r_dz13 ; dz13 dominant move.b il_FromZ(a1),d6 ; startZ = coord 1 moveq.l #0+0+0+8+16+0,d7 tst.w d5 bmi .contl move.b il_ToZ(a3),d6 ; startZ = reversed coord 3 moveq.l #0+0+0+8+16+32,d7 bra .contl .l1l_l2r_l3r_l4l move.w il_FromZ(a0),d4 sub.w il_ToZ(a2),d4 move.w d4,d6 bpl.s .nofl1 neg.w d6 .nofl1 move.w il_ToZ(a1),d5 sub.w il_FromZ(a3),d5 move.w d5,d7 bpl.s .nofr1 neg.w d7 .nofr1 cmp.w d7,d6 blt.s .l1l_l2r_l3r_l4l_dz13 ; abs(dz02) < abs(dz13) ; dz02 dominant move.b il_ToZ(a2),d6 ; startZ = reversed coord 2 moveq.l #0+2+4+0+0+0,d7 tst.w d4 bpl.s .contl moveq.l #0+2+4+0+0+32,d7 move.b il_FromZ(a0),d6 ; startZ = coord 0 bra.s .contl .l1l_l2r_l3r_l4l_dz13 ; dz13 dominant move.b il_ToZ(a1),d6 ; startZ = reversed coord 1 moveq.l #0+2+4+0+16+0,d7 tst.w d5 bmi.s .contl move.b il_FromZ(a3),d6 ; startZ = coord 3 moveq.l #0+2+4+0+16+32,d7 bra.s .contl .l1r_l2r_l3l_l4l move.w il_ToZ(a0),d4 sub.w il_FromZ(a2),d4 move.w d4,d6 bpl.s .nofl2 neg.w d6 .nofl2 move.w il_ToZ(a1),d5 sub.w il_FromZ(a3),d5 move.w d5,d7 bpl.s .nofr2 neg.w d7 .nofr2 cmp.w d7,d6 blt.s .l1r_l2r_l3l_l4l_dz13 ; abs(dz02) < abs(dz13) ; dz02 dominant move.b il_FromZ(a2),d6 ; startZ = coord 2 moveq.l #1+2+0+0+0+0,d7 tst.w d4 bpl.s .contl move.b il_ToZ(a0),d6 ; startZ = reversed coord 0 moveq.l #1+2+0+0+0+32,d7 bra.s .contl .l1r_l2r_l3l_l4l_dz13 ; dz13 dominant move.b il_ToZ(a1),d6 ; startZ = reversed coord 1 moveq.l #1+2+0+0+16+0,d7 tst.w d5 bmi.s .contl move.b il_FromZ(a3),d6 ; startZ = coord 3 moveq.l #1+2+0+0+16+32,d7 .contl moveq.l #0,d5 sub.b il_Flipped(a3),d5 add.b d5,d5 sub.b il_Flipped(a2),d5 add.b d5,d5 sub.b il_Flipped(a1),d5 add.b d5,d5 sub.b il_Flipped(a0),d5 PUTMSG 50,<"copymode=%x/%x">,d5,d7 eor.w d7,d5 and.w #16+32,d7 jmp .jmptab(pc,d7.w) .jmptab bra .dz02dom_pl ds.b (.jmptab+16)-* bra.s .dz13dom_pl ds.b (.jmptab+32)-* bra .dz02dom_mi ds.b (.jmptab+48)-* bra .dz13dom_mi .dz13dom_pl PUTMSG 40,<"DZ13 PL"> lea pd_LinesFromBuffer(a6),a4 COPYLINEDATA a0,0,1,a4 COPYLINEDATA a3,3,1,a4 clr.w (a4)+ PUTMSG 50,<"Right"> lea pd_LinesToBuffer(a6),a4 COPYLINEDATA a1,1,0,a4 COPYLINEDATA a2,2,0,a4 clr.w (a4)+ bra .drawnow .dz02dom_pl PUTMSG 40,<"DZ02 PL"> lea pd_LinesFromBuffer(a6),a4 COPYLINEDATA a1,1,1,a4 COPYLINEDATA a0,0,1,a4 clr.w (a4)+ PUTMSG 50,<"Right"> lea pd_LinesToBuffer(a6),a4 COPYLINEDATA a2,2,0,a4 COPYLINEDATA a3,3,0,a4 clr.w (a4)+ bra .drawnow .dz13dom_mi PUTMSG 40,<"DZ13 MI"> lea pd_LinesFromBuffer(a6),a4 COPYLINEDATA a3,3,0,a4 COPYLINEDATA a0,0,0,a4 clr.w (a4)+ PUTMSG 50,<"Right"> lea pd_LinesToBuffer(a6),a4 COPYLINEDATA a2,2,1,a4 COPYLINEDATA a1,1,1,a4 clr.w (a4)+ bra .drawnow .dz02dom_mi PUTMSG 40,<"DZ02 MI"> lea pd_LinesFromBuffer(a6),a4 COPYLINEDATA a0,0,0,a4 COPYLINEDATA a1,1,0,a4 clr.w (a4)+ PUTMSG 50,<"Right"> lea pd_LinesToBuffer(a6),a4 COPYLINEDATA a3,3,1,a4 COPYLINEDATA a2,2,1,a4 clr.w (a4)+ ;bra .drawnow .drawnow POPM lea pd_LinesFromBuffer(a6),a0 lea pd_LinesToBuffer(a6),a2 ext.w d6 asr.w #gouraudColShift-8,d6 add.w d6,d6 .drawloop move.w (a0)+,d1 beq.s .end move.w (a0)+,d0 move.w (a2)+,d3 beq.s .end move.w (a2)+,d2 PUTMSG 40,<"%d: line %d,%d to %d,%d">,d6,d0,d1,d2,d3 move.w .graycodebits(pc,d6.w),d4 bmi.s .skipdraw PUSHM a0/a1 move.l pd_CurrCubeLinePtr(a6),a0 adda.w d4,a0 bsr gou_draw_singledot_line_bq POPM .skipdraw addq.w #2,d6 bra.s .drawloop .end ;clr.l -bql_SIZEOF+bq_Next(a4) rts ; val grayCode3Bits = arrayOf(0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2) -> 1,0,2,0,1,0 ; val grayCode3Index = arrayOf(0, 1, 3, 2, 6, 7, 5, 4) ; val grayCode4Bits = arrayOf(0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1) -> 1,2,3,2,1,0 ,2,0,3,0,1,3,2,3 ; val grayCode4Index = arrayOf(0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 11, 9, 8, 12, 13, 5, 4, 6, 14, 10, 2) .graycodebits dc.w -1,-1,-1,0*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8) dc.w 1*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8),2*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8),3*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8),2*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8),1*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8),0*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8) dc.w 2*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8),0*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8),3*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8),0*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8),1*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8),3*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8) dc.w 2*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8),3*(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8) dc.w -1,-1,-1,-1,-1 dc.w -1,-1,-1,-1 dc.w -1,-1,-1,-1,-1 dc.w -1,-1,-1,-1 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Draw regular blitter line to blitter queue ; ; in d0.w x0 ; d1.w y0 ; d2.w x1 ; d3.w y1 ; a0 bitplane ; a4 blitterqueue struct gou_draw_singledot_line_bq: cmp.w d1,d3 bgt.s .downward bne.s .cont rts .cont exg d0,d2 exg d1,d3 .downward move.w d1,d5 lsl.w #6,d5 ; replaced mulu by shift (CUBE_BUF_WIDTH) ;mulu d4,d5 adda.w d5,a0 moveq.l #-16,d4 and.w d0,d4 lsr.w #3,d4 add.w d4,a0 moveq.l #15,d4 and.w d0,d4 ror.w #4,d4 or.w #BLTCON0F_USEA|BLTCON0F_USEC|BLTCON0F_USED|(BLT_A&BLT_B^BLT_C),d4 swap d4 sub.w d0,d2 bpl.s .positiveDX neg.w d2 addq.w #1,d4 .positiveDX sub.w d1,d3 cmp.w d2,d3 bls.s .absDyLessThanAbsDx exg d2,d3 addq.w #4,d4 .absDyLessThanAbsDx move.b .octants(pc,d4.w),d4 add.w d3,d3 ; 2 * dy move.w d3,d5 sub.w d2,d5 ; 2 * dy - dx bpl.s .positiveGradient or.w #BLTCON1F_SIGN,d4 .positiveGradient add.w d5,d5 ; 4 * dy - 2 * dx ;cmp.w #20,d2 ;sgt bql_LongLine(a4) add.w d2,d2 ; 2 * dx add.w d2,d2 ; 4 * dx add.w d3,d3 ; 4 * dy move.w d3,d0 sub.w d2,d3 ; 4 * (dy - dx) addq.w #4,d2 ; extra word height lsl.w #4,d2 addq.w #2,d2 ; width == 2 move.l d4,bql_BltCon01(a4) movem.w d0/d3/d5,bql_BltBMod(a4) ; 4 * dy ;move.w d3,bql_BltAMod(a4) ; 4 * (dy - dx) ;move.w d5,bql_BltAPtLo(a4) ; 4 * dy - 2 * dx move.l a0,bql_BltCPt(a4) move.w d2,bql_BltSize(a4) move.l a4,a0 CALLFW AddToBlitterQueue lea bql_SIZEOF(a4),a4 rts .octants dc.b BLTCON1F_SING|BLTCON1F_LINE|BLTCON1F_SUD ; octant 7 dc.b BLTCON1F_SING|BLTCON1F_LINE|BLTCON1F_SUD|BLTCON1F_AUL ; octant 4 dc.b BLTCON1F_SING|BLTCON1F_LINE|BLTCON1F_SUD|BLTCON1F_SUL ; octant 0 dc.b BLTCON1F_SING|BLTCON1F_LINE|BLTCON1F_SUD|BLTCON1F_SUL|BLTCON1F_AUL ; octant 3 dc.b BLTCON1F_SING|BLTCON1F_LINE|0 ; octant 6 dc.b BLTCON1F_SING|BLTCON1F_LINE|BLTCON1F_SUL ; octant 5 dc.b BLTCON1F_SING|BLTCON1F_LINE|BLTCON1F_AUL ; octant 1 dc.b BLTCON1F_SING|BLTCON1F_LINE|BLTCON1F_SUL|BLTCON1F_AUL ; octant 2 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- gou_bq_InitLineDraw: PUTMSG 40,<"InitLineDraw"> moveq.l #-1,d0 move.w #BLTCON1F_LINE,bltcon1(a5) move.w #$8000,bltadat(a5) move.l d0,bltafwm(a5) move.w d0,bltbdat(a5) move.w #(CUBE_BUF_WIDTH/8)*CUBE_PLANES,bltcmod(a5) BLTHOGON moveq.l #0,d0 rts gou_bq_LineDraw: PUTMSG 40,<"LineDraw %p">,a0 move.l (a0)+,bltcon0(a5) move.l (a0)+,bltcpt(a5) move.l (a0)+,bltbmod(a5) move.l (a0)+,bltapt+2(a5) move.l (a0)+,bltdpt+2(a5) rts gou_bq_FillCube: PUTMSG 40,<"FillCube"> moveq.l #-1,d0 lea bltcon0(a5),a1 move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ; bltcon0 move.l d0,(a1)+ ; bltafwm move.l (a0)+,bltamod(a5) addq.l #8,a1 move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ; bltapt move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ; bltdpt move.w (a0)+,(a1) ; bltsize rts gou_bq_Clear: PUTMSG 40,<"Clear"> move.l (a0)+,bltcon0(a5) move.l (a0)+,bltdpt(a5) move.w (a0)+,bltdmod(a5) move.w (a0)+,bltcdat(a5) move.w (a0)+,bltsize(a5) rts gou_bq_InPlaceModify: PUTMSG 40,<"InPlaceModify"> BLTHOGON moveq.l #-1,d0 lea bltcon0(a5),a1 move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ; bltcon0 move.l d0,(a1)+ ; bltafwm move.l (a0)+,d0 addq.l #8,a1 ; skip bltcpt/bltbpt move.l d0,(a1)+ ; bltapt move.l d0,(a1)+ ; bltdpt(a5) move.w (a0)+,d0 move.w d0,bltamod(a5) move.w d0,bltdmod(a5) move.w (a0)+,bltcdat(a5) move.w (a0)+,(a1) BLTWAIT rts gou_bq_ADCopy: PUTMSG 40,<"ADCopy"> BLTHOGON lea bltcon0(a5),a1 move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ; bltcon0 move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ; bltafwm move.l (a0)+,bltamod(a5) addq.l #8,a1 move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ; bltapt move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ; bltdpt move.w (a0)+,(a1) ; bltsize BLTWAIT rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- SinScale MACRO muls (a5,\1.w),\2 add.l \2,\2 add.l \2,\2 swap \2 ENDM CosScale MACRO muls (a0,\1.w),\2 add.l \2,\2 add.l \2,\2 swap \2 ENDM SinScaleK MACRO move.w (a5,\1.w),\3 muls \3,\2 add.l \2,\2 add.l \2,\2 swap \2 ENDM CosScaleK MACRO move.w (a0,\1.w),\3 muls \3,\2 add.l \2,\2 add.l \2,\2 swap \2 ENDM ScalePrev MACRO muls \1,\2 add.l \2,\2 add.l \2,\2 swap \2 ENDM gou_rotate_cube: ; a1 = CubeData DISABLE_INTS PUSHM a1/a5 lea cd_CubeNormals+3*3*2(a1),a1 move.w pd_CubeSize(a6),d7 move.l fw_SinTable(a6),a5 move.l fw_CosTable(a6),a0 ; suppress M68kDeadWrite movem.w pd_Ax(a6),a2-a4 ;ax,ay,az ; --- original formula --- ; x1 = x0*cos(az) - y0*sin(az) ; y1 = x0*sin(az) + y0*cos(az) ; z1 = z1 ; x2 = x1 ; y2 = y1*cos(ax) - z1*sin(ax) ; z2 = y1*sin(ax) + z1*cos(ax) ; x3 = z2*sin(ay) + x2*cos(ay) ; y3 = y2 ; z3 = z2*cos(ay) - x2*sin(ay) ; ---- ; x1 = sx*cos(az) - sy*sin(az) ; y1 = sx*sin(az) + sy*cos(az) ; z2 = y1*sin(ax) + sz*cos(ax) ; y3 = y1*cos(ax) - sz*sin(ax) ; x3 = z2*sin(ay) + x1*cos(ay) ; z3 = z2*cos(ay) - x1*sin(ay) ; for z-normal vector (0, 0, 1) ; z2 = s*cos(ax) ; y3 = -s*sin(ax) ; x3 = z2*sin(ay) ; z3 = z2*cos(ay) move.w d7,d3 move.w d7,d2 SinScale a2,d2 ;d2 = -y = s*sin(ax) neg.w d2 CosScale a2,d3 ;d3 = z2 = s*cos(ax) move.w d3,d1 SinScale a3,d1 ;d1 = x = z2*sin(ay) = s*cos(ax) * sin(ay) CosScale a3,d3 ;d3 = z = z2*cos(ay) = s*cos(ax) * cos(ay) movem.w d1-d3,-(a1) ;x/y/z ; for y-normal vector (0, 1, 0) ; x1 = s*sin(az) ; also used in x-normal ; y1 = s*cos(az) ; also used in x-normal ; z2 = y1*sin(ax) ; y3 = y1*cos(ax) = s*cos(az)*cos(ax) ; x3 = z2*sin(ay) - x1*cos(ay) = y1*sin(ax)*sin(ay) - x1*cos(ay) = s*cos(az)*sin(ax)*sin(ay) - s*sin(az)*cos(ay) ; z3 = z2*cos(ay) + x1*sin(ay) = y1*sin(ax)*cos(ay) + x1*sin(ay) = s*cos(az)*sin(ax)*cos(ay) + s*sin(az)*sin(ay) move.w d7,d6 SinScale a4,d7 ;d7 = x1 = s*sin(az) CosScale a4,d6 ;d6 = y1 = s*cos(az) move.w d6,d3 move.w d3,d2 CosScaleK a2,d2,d5 ;d2 = y = y1*cos(ax) = s*cos(az) * cos(ax) swap d5 ;keep cos(ax) in upper word for later SinScaleK a2,d3,d0 ;d3 = z2 = y1*sin(ax) = s*cos(az) * sin(ax) swap d0 ;keep sin(ax) in upper word for later move.w d3,d1 SinScaleK a3,d1,d5 ;d1 = z2*sin(ay) (keep sin(ay) in d5) move.w d7,d4 ScalePrev d5,d4 ;d4 = x1*sin(ay) CosScaleK a3,d3,d0 ;d3 = z2*cos(ay) (keep cos(ay) in d0) add.w d4,d3 ;d3 = z = z2*cos(ay) + x1*sin(ay) = s*cos(az)*sin(ax)*cos(ay) + s*sin(az)*sin(ay) move.w d7,d4 ScalePrev d0,d4 ;d4 = x1*cos(ay) sub.w d4,d1 ;d1 = x = z2*sin(ay) - x1*cos(ay) = s*cos(az)*sin(ax)*sin(ay) - s*sin(az)*cos(ay) movem.w d1-d3,-(a1) ;x/y/z ; for x-normal vector (1, 0, 0) ; x1 = s*cos(az) ; y1 = s*sin(az) ; z2 = y1*sin(ax) ; y3 = y1*cos(ax) = s*sin(az)*cos(ax) ; x3 = z2*sin(ay) + x1*cos(ay) = y1*sin(ax)*sin(ay) + x1*cos(ay) = s*sin(az)*sin(ax)*sin(ay) + s*cos(az)*cos(ay) ; z3 = z2*cos(ay) - x1*sin(ay) = y1*sin(ax)*cos(ay) - x1*sin(ay) = s*sin(az)*sin(ax)*cos(ay) - s*cos(az)*sin(ay) swap d5 ; d5 = cos(ax) move.w d7,d2 ScalePrev d5,d2 ; d2 = y = s*sin(az) * cos(ax) swap d0 ; d0 = sin(ax) ScalePrev d0,d7 ; d7 = z2 = s*sin(az) * sin(ax) swap d5 ; d5 = sin(ay) move.w d7,d1 ScalePrev d5,d1 ; d1 = z2*sin(ay) = s*sin(az) * sin(ax) * sin(ay) swap d0 ; d0 = cos(ay) move.w d6,d4 ScalePrev d0,d4 ; d4 = x1*cos(ay) = s*cos(az)*cos(ay) add.w d4,d1 ; d1 = x = z2*sin(ay) + x1*cos(ay) = s*sin(az)*sin(ax)*sin(ay) + s*cos(az)*cos(ay) ScalePrev d5,d6 ; d6 = x1*sin(ay) = s*cos(az)*sin(ay) move.w d7,d3 ScalePrev d0,d3 ; d3 = z2*cos(ay) = s*sin(az) * sin(ax) * cos(ay) sub.w d6,d3 ; d3 = z = z2*cos(ay) - x1*sin(ay) = s*sin(az)*sin(ax)*cos(ay) - s*cos(az)*sin(ay) movem.w d1-d3,-(a1) ;x/y/z move.w d1,d0 add.w d0,d0 move.w d2,a2 add.w d2,a2 move.w d3,d7 add.w d7,d7 movem.w 3*2(a1),d4-d6 add.w d4,d1 add.w d5,d2 add.w d6,d3 lea 12(a1),a3 add.w (a3)+,d1 add.w (a3)+,d2 add.w (a3)+,d3 move.l a1,a3 POPM ENABLE_INTS movem.w d1-d3,cd_Coords+6*3*2(a1) neg.w d1 neg.w d2 neg.w d3 movem.w d1-d3,cd_Coords+0*3*2(a1) ; 0*3*2(a1) add.w d0,d1 add.w a2,d2 add.w d7,d3 movem.w d1-d3,cd_Coords+1*3*2(a1) neg.w d1 neg.w d2 neg.w d3 movem.w d1-d3,cd_Coords+7*3*2(a1) sub.w d4,d1 sub.w d4,d1 sub.w d5,d2 sub.w d5,d2 sub.w d6,d3 sub.w d6,d3 movem.w d1-d3,cd_Coords+3*3*2(a1) neg.w d1 neg.w d2 neg.w d3 movem.w d1-d3,cd_Coords+5*3*2(a1) sub.w d0,d1 sub.w a2,d2 sub.w d7,d3 movem.w d1-d3,cd_Coords+4*3*2(a1) neg.w d1 neg.w d2 neg.w d3 movem.w d1-d3,cd_Coords+2*3*2(a1) ; create flipped normals movem.w (a3)+,d0-d7/a0 neg.w d0 neg.w d1 neg.w d2 neg.w d3 neg.w d4 neg.w d5 neg.w d6 neg.w d7 exg d0,a0 neg.w d0 exg d0,a0 movem.w d0-d7/a0,(a3) rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- gou_cube_advance_scene_standard_movement: move.w #1023*2,d6 movem.w pd_Ax(a6),d0-d5 add.w d3,d0 add.w d4,d1 add.w d5,d2 and.w d6,d0 and.w d6,d1 and.w d6,d2 movem.w d0-d2,pd_Ax(a6) rts ;******************************************************************** gou_gray_palette: ds.w 16 gou_gray_zebra_palette: ds.w 16 ; https://gradient-blaster-grahambates.vercel.app/?points=000@0,379@5,dc6@9,fff@16&steps=256&blendMode=oklab&ditherMode=off&target=amigaOcs gou_sorted_palette: dc.w $413,$002,$023,$035,$257,$379,$589,$8a8 dc.w $bb8,$dc6,$dd7,$ed9,$eea,$eec,$ffd,$fff gou_zebra_palette: dc.w $134,$112,$011,$145,$022,$379,$123,$49a dc.w $133,$4bb,$244,$6dc,$354,$aed,$455,$dfe gou_gray_shuffle: dc.w 0*2,1*2,3*2,7*2,15*2,11*2,9*2,8*2,12*2,13*2,5*2,4*2,6*2,14*2,10*2,2*2 gou_mauve_palette: REPT 16 dc.w $413 ENDR gou_black_palette: ds.w 16 PLANELINEMASK MACRO dc.w ((1<<\1)|(1<<\2)|(1<<\3)|(1<<\4)) ENDM PLANECOORDMASK MACRO dc.w (1<<\1)|(1<<\2)|(1<<\3)|(1<<\4) ENDM PROJPLANE MACRO dc.w (\1)*4,(\2)*4,(\3)*4,(\4)*4 ENDM ROTATEDPLANE MACRO dc.w (\1)*6,(\2)*6,(\3)*6,(\4)*6 ENDM PLANELINES MACRO dc.w cd_IntCubeLines+(\1)*il_SIZEOF dc.w cd_IntCubeLines+(\2)*il_SIZEOF dc.w cd_IntCubeLines+(\3)*il_SIZEOF dc.w cd_IntCubeLines+(\4)*il_SIZEOF ENDM gou_cube_plane_coords: PLANELINEMASK 5,10,1,9 PLANECOORDMASK 5,6,2,1 PLANELINEMASK 4,5,6,7 PLANECOORDMASK 4,5,6,7 PLANELINEMASK 6,11,2,10 PLANECOORDMASK 6,7,3,2 PLANELINEMASK 7,8,3,11 PLANECOORDMASK 7,4,0,3 PLANELINEMASK 0,1,2,3 PLANECOORDMASK 0,1,2,3 PLANELINEMASK 4,9,0,8 PLANECOORDMASK 4,5,1,0 ; ; 0_____________1 ; /| /| ; /_|__________/ | ; |3 | |2 | ; | | | | ; | | | | ; | 4|_________|__|5 ; | / | / ;7|/___________|/6 ; ; lines: ; 0: 0 <-> 1 ; 1: 1 <-> 2 ; 2: 2 <-> 3 ; 3: 3 <-> 0 ; 4: 4 <-> 5 ; 5: 5 <-> 6 ; 6: 6 <-> 7 ; 7: 7 <-> 4 ; 8: 0 <-> 4 ; 9: 1 <-> 5 ; 10: 2 <-> 6 ; 11: 3 <-> 7 gou_proj_cube_planes: ; attention, inverse order as plane number is counted backwards PROJPLANE 4,5,1,0 PROJPLANE 0,1,2,3 PROJPLANE 7,4,0,3 PROJPLANE 6,7,3,2 PROJPLANE 4,5,6,7 PROJPLANE 5,6,2,1 gou_rotated_cube_planes: ; attention, inverse order as plane number is counted backwards ROTATEDPLANE 4,5,1,0 ROTATEDPLANE 0,1,2,3 ROTATEDPLANE 7,4,0,3 ROTATEDPLANE 6,7,3,2 ROTATEDPLANE 4,5,6,7 ROTATEDPLANE 5,6,2,1 gou_cube_planes_to_lines: ; attention, inverse order as plane number is counted backwards PLANELINES 4,9,0,8 PLANELINES 0,1,2,3 PLANELINES 7,8,3,11 PLANELINES 6,11,2,10 PLANELINES 4,5,6,7 PLANELINES 5,10,1,9 gou_cube_lines: dc.w 0*4,1*4 ; 0 -> 01 dc.w 1*4,2*4 ; 1 -> 12 dc.w 2*4,3*4 ; 2 -> 23 dc.w 0*4,3*4 ; 3 -> 30 dc.w 4*4,5*4 ; 4 -> 45 dc.w 5*4,6*4 ; 5 -> 56 dc.w 6*4,7*4 ; 6 -> 67 dc.w 4*4,7*4 ; 7 -> 74 dc.w 0*4,4*4 ; 4 -> 04 dc.w 1*4,5*4 ; 5 -> 15 dc.w 2*4,6*4 ; 6 -> 26 dc.w 3*4,7*4 ; 7 -> 37 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- section "gou_copper",data,chip gou_copperlist: COP_MOVE dmacon,DMAF_BLITHOG ; disable blitter hogging to avoid interrupt latency COP_MOVE bplcon3,$0c00 COP_MOVE fmode,$0000 ; fixes the aga modulo problem COP_MOVE bplcon0,$0200 COP_MOVE bplcon2,$0024 COP_MOVE bpl1mod,(CUBE_WIDTH/8)*(CUBE_PLANES-1) COP_MOVE bpl2mod,(CUBE_WIDTH/8)*(CUBE_PLANES-1) gou_extra_copperlist_ptr: COP_MOVE cop2lc,0 COP_MOVE cop2lc+2,0 COP_MOVE $1fe,0 COP_END gou_bendit_sprite: incbin "data/gouraud/bendit128x128x4.SPR" blitter_temp_output_word: dc.w 0 IFND FW_DEMO_PART IFD ENABLE_PART_MUSIC section "part_music_samples",data,chip ; section for music playback part_music_smp: incbin "data/music/dsr_68k_tune_2_v11.lsbank" section "part_music_data",data ; section for music playback part_music_data: incbin "data/music/dsr_68k_tune_2_v11.lsmusic" ENDC ENDC END