- Bugfix: WaitForFrame was completely broken. Now also caters for race-condition that would have waited one extra frame. - Bugfix: InitPart would overwrite innocent memory (reported by Gigabates and Losso) - Bugfix: Palette LERP had wrong bias. - Removed extra paths in include statement, use default include paths instead - Added Raspberry Casket no-jitter background calc mode (FW_MUSIC_PLAYER_CHOICE = 6) - Updated Raspberry Casket to V2.0 presto branch (WIP) - Removed fw_FrameCounterLong, use fw_FrameCounter-2 for debug purposes - Support for blue noise palette LERPing (like in Is Real). Provide your own blue noise table (4 KB), stuff it into fw_BlueNoiseTablePtr, set FW_PALETTE_LERP_SUPPORT to 2 - Music tick routine is now replaceable during runtime (fw_MusicTickRoutine) - Support for softints and audio interrupts - LMB exit can also be disabled dynamically when using FW_LMB_EXIT_SUPPORT = 2 and fw_DisableLMBExit != 0 - Added LSP Micro support and LSP Nano (custom format that uses note pitches instead of periods) - Minor other things |
source | ||
tools/platostools | ||
LICENSE | || |
Hamazing by Desire
This is the source code of Hamazing and PLatOS demo framework.
There is a technical backgrounds write-up if you want to get some insights.
It's supposed to build on a Windows machine (sorry). Some of the stuff was originally part of Axis' Planet Rocklobster framework and that may show in structure and some of the tools used.
Go into the source/hamazing
directory and type build.bat
Each part can be run as a standalone executable for testing by entering
the part's source directory and running assemble.bat
Note that you need to supply Kickstart roms for WinUAE in the
directory. AROS rom replacement may work, but
your milage may vary. It doesn't run the trackmo for unknown reasons.
Third party stuff
This software uses or provides binaries of
- LightSpeedPlayer, LSPConvert -
- Raspberry Casket Pretracker Replayer -
- KingCon
- DevIl -
- WinUAE -
- VASM -
- Shrinkler -
- LZ4 -
- ZX0 -
- Salvador -
- Doynamite68k
Make your own demos!
You can use the framework to make your own demos or intros. There is documentation inside the source code. Right now, I'm not quite motivated to write more than necessary.
You can look at the effects to see how things are done.
But only lamers will copy code verbatim. Give credits where credits are due.
And now go and have some fun. Use the Blitter, Luke! Make Amiga Great Again!
Signing off, Chris 'platon42' Hodges