Day 23.
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package aoc2023
import CharGrid
import RelPos
import println
import readInput
--- Day 23: A Long Walk ---
The Elves resume water filtering operations! Clean water starts flowing over the edge of Island Island.
They offer to help you go over the edge of Island Island, too! Just hold on tight to one end of this impossibly long rope and they'll lower you down a safe distance from the massive waterfall you just created.
As you finally reach Snow Island, you see that the water isn't really reaching the ground: it's being absorbed by the air itself. It looks like you'll finally have a little downtime while the moisture builds up to snow-producing levels. Snow Island is pretty scenic, even without any snow; why not take a walk?
There's a map of nearby hiking trails (your puzzle input) that indicates paths (.), forest (#), and steep slopes (^, >, v, and <).
For example:
You're currently on the single path tile in the top row; your goal is to reach the single path tile in the bottom row. Because of all the mist from the waterfall, the slopes are probably quite icy; if you step onto a slope tile, your next step must be downhill (in the direction the arrow is pointing). To make sure you have the most scenic hike possible, never step onto the same tile twice. What is the longest hike you can take?
In the example above, the longest hike you can take is marked with O, and your starting position is marked S:
This hike contains 94 steps. (The other possible hikes you could have taken were 90, 86, 82, 82, and 74 steps long.)
Find the longest hike you can take through the hiking trails listed on your map. How many steps long is the longest hike?
fun main() {
val inlineTestInput = """
data class Node(val pos: RelPos, val relLen: Int, val path: LinkedHashSet<RelPos>)
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val grid = CharGrid(input, '#')
val queue = ArrayDeque<Node>()
queue.add(Node(RelPos(1, 0), 0, LinkedHashSet()))
var maxLength = 0
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val node = queue.removeFirst()
var pos = node.pos
var relLen = node.relLen
val path = node.path
var lastPos = pos
do {
if (pos.dr == grid.height - 1) {
maxLength = maxLength.coerceAtLeast(relLen)
var nextPos = CharGrid.PLUS_POS
.filter { grid[pos.dc + it.dc, pos.dr + it.dr] == '.' && (pos.dc + it.dc != lastPos.dc || pos.dr + it.dr != lastPos.dr) }
.map { it.translate(pos) }.singleOrNull { !path.contains(it) }
val branchPos = CharGrid.PLUS_POS
.filter {
val c = grid[pos.dc + it.dc, pos.dr + it.dr]
(c == '>' && it.dc > 0) || (c == 'v' && it.dr > 0)
|| c == '?'
.map { it.translate(pos) }.filter { !path.contains(it) }
if (nextPos == null && branchPos.size == 1) {
nextPos = branchPos.single()
} else {
if (branchPos.isNotEmpty()) {
branchPos.forEach { queue.addLast(Node(it, relLen, LinkedHashSet(path))) }
if (nextPos != null) {
lastPos = pos
pos = nextPos
} while (nextPos != null)
return maxLength
data class GNode(val pos: RelPos, val edges: MutableSet<Pair<Int, GNode>> = HashSet()) {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false
other as GNode
return pos == other.pos
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return pos.hashCode()
override fun toString(): String {
return "GNode(pos=$pos)"
fun rec(endnode: GNode, node: GNode, len: Int, visited: Array<BooleanArray>): Int {
visited[node.pos.dr][node.pos.dc] = true
var maxLen = 0
for (e in node.edges) {
if (e.second == endnode) {
visited[node.pos.dr][node.pos.dc] = false
return len + e.first
if (!visited[e.second.pos.dr][e.second.pos.dc]) {
val longestPath = rec(endnode, e.second, len + e.first, visited)
maxLen = maxLen.coerceAtLeast(longestPath)
visited[node.pos.dr][node.pos.dc] = false
return maxLen
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val modinput = { it.replace(">", ".").replace("v", ".") }.toList()
val map = HashMap<RelPos, GNode>()
val grid = CharGrid(modinput, '#')
val queue = ArrayDeque<Pair<GNode, RelPos>>()
val startNode = GNode(RelPos(1, 0))
queue.add(startNode to RelPos(0, 1))
map[startNode.pos] = startNode
val endPos = RelPos(grid.width - 2, grid.height - 1)
val endNode = GNode(endPos)
map[endPos] = endNode
val visited = HashSet<GNode>()
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val (node, dir) = queue.removeFirst()
var pos = node.pos.translate(dir)
var relLen = 0
var lastPos = node.pos
do {
val nextDirs = CharGrid.PLUS_POS
.filter { grid[pos.dc + it.dc, pos.dr + it.dr] == '.' && (pos.dc + it.dc != lastPos.dc || pos.dr + it.dr != lastPos.dr) }
if (nextDirs.size == 1) {
lastPos = pos
pos = pos.translate(nextDirs.single())
if (pos == endPos) {
node.edges.add(relLen + 1 to endNode)
} else {
val branchNode = map.computeIfAbsent(pos) { GNode(it) }
branchNode.edges.add(relLen to node)
node.edges.add(relLen to branchNode)
if (!visited.contains(branchNode)) {
nextDirs.forEach { queue.addLast(branchNode to it) }
} while (nextDirs.size == 1)
return rec(endNode, startNode, 0, Array(grid.height) { BooleanArray(grid.width) })
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = inlineTestInput.trim().reader().readLines()
//val testInput = readInput("aoc2023/Day23_test")
val testInputPart1Result = part1(testInput)
println("Part 1 Test: $testInputPart1Result")
val testInputPart2Result = part2(testInput)
println("Part 2 Test: $testInputPart2Result")
check(testInputPart1Result == 94)
check(testInputPart2Result == 154)
val input = readInput("aoc2023/Day23")
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