Minor update to Day 15 because I should have used a linked hashmap in the first place, if I had only read the instructions clearly enough.

This commit is contained in:
Chris Hodges 2023-12-16 13:19:03 +01:00
parent 6eb93c51a3
commit 3a8a2d79a9

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@ -73,27 +73,20 @@ rn=1,cm-,qp=3,cm=2,qp-,pc=4,ot=9,ab=5,pc-,pc=6,ot=7
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val boxes = Array<MutableList<String>>(256) { ArrayList() }
val boxes = Array<MutableMap<String, Int>>(256) { LinkedHashMap() }
input.first().split(",").forEach { it ->
if (it.contains('=')) {
val (label, value) = it.split("=")
val hash = hash(label)
if (boxes[hash].none { it.startsWith("$label ") }) {
boxes[hash].add("$label $value")
} else {
boxes[hash] = boxes[hash].map { content -> if (content.startsWith("$label ")) "$label $value" else content }.toMutableList()
boxes[hash(label)][label] = value.toInt()
} else {
val label = it.removeSuffix("-")
val hash = hash(label)
boxes[hash] = boxes[hash].filterNot { it.startsWith("$label ") }.toMutableList()
val vals = boxes.mapIndexed { boxno, contents ->
contents.mapIndexed { index, strings -> (boxno + 1) * strings.split(" ")[1].toInt() * (index + 1) }.sum()
return vals.sum()
return boxes.mapIndexed { boxno, contents ->
contents.map { entry -> entry.value }
.mapIndexed { index, value -> (boxno + 1) * value * (index + 1) }.sum()
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like: