Day 16.
This commit is contained in:
@ -80,6 +80,19 @@ Prize: X=18641, Y=10279
// val t2 = bx - by
// val t3 = px - py
// Linear Diophantine equations
/* The simplest linear Diophantine equation takes the form
a*x + b*x = c
where a, b and c are given integers.
The solutions are described by the following theorem:
This Diophantine equation has a solution (where x and y are integers),
IFF c is a multiple of the greatest common divisor of a and b.
Moreover, if (x, y) is a solution, then the other solutions have the
form (x + kv, y − ku), where
- k is an arbitrary integer, and
- u and v are the quotients of a and b (respectively) by the greatest common divisor of a and b.
// With our input data, all equations have exactly one solution
val pad = (px * by - py * bx)
val pan = (ax * by - ay * bx)
if (pad % pan == 0L) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
package aoc2024
import CharGrid
import RelPos
import println
import readInput
--- Day 16: Reindeer Maze ---
fun main() {
val inlineTestInput = """
val inlineTestInput2 = """
data class Node(val pos: RelPos, val dir: RelPos, val relLen: Int, val path: LinkedHashSet<Pair<RelPos, RelPos>>)
val costMap = hashMapOf(
RelPos(0, -1) to listOf(RelPos(0, -1) to 1, RelPos(1, 0) to 1001, RelPos(-1, 0) to 1001, RelPos(0, 1) to 2001),
RelPos(1, 0) to listOf(RelPos(1, 0) to 1, RelPos(0, 1) to 1001, RelPos(0, -1) to 1001, RelPos(-1, 0) to 2001),
RelPos(0, 1) to listOf(RelPos(0, 1) to 1, RelPos(-1, 0) to 1001, RelPos(1, 0) to 1001, RelPos(0, -1) to 2001),
RelPos(-1, 0) to listOf(RelPos(-1, 0) to 1, RelPos(0, 1) to 1001, RelPos(0, -1) to 1001, RelPos(1, 0) to 2001)
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val grid = CharGrid(input, '#')
val queue = ArrayDeque<Node>()
val (startc, startr) = grid.findMatches { it == 'S' }[0]
val (endc, endr) = grid.findMatches { it == 'E' }[0]
val endpos = RelPos(endc, endr)
grid[startc, startr] = '.'
grid[endpos] = '.'
queue.add(Node(RelPos(startc, startr), RelPos(1, 0), 0, LinkedHashSet()))
val bestCosts = HashMap<Pair<RelPos, RelPos>, Int>()
var minCost = Int.MAX_VALUE
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val node = queue.removeFirst()
val pos = node.pos
val dir = node.dir
val cost = node.relLen
val path = node.path
path.add(pos to dir)
if (pos == endpos) {
minCost = minCost.coerceAtMost(cost)
if ((bestCosts[pos to dir] ?: Int.MAX_VALUE) <= cost) {
bestCosts[pos to dir] = cost
val nextDirs =
costMap[dir]!!.filter { grid[pos.translate(it.first)] == '.' && cost + it.second < minCost && !path.contains(pos.translate(it.first) to it.first) }
.map { Node(pos.translate(it.first), it.first, cost + it.second, LinkedHashSet(path)) }
return minCost
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val grid = CharGrid(input, '#')
val queue = ArrayDeque<Node>()
val (startc, startr) = grid.findMatches { it == 'S' }[0]
val (endc, endr) = grid.findMatches { it == 'E' }[0]
val endpos = RelPos(endc, endr)
grid[startc, startr] = '.'
grid[endpos] = '.'
queue.add(Node(RelPos(startc, startr), RelPos(1, 0), 0, LinkedHashSet()))
val bestCosts = HashMap<Pair<RelPos, RelPos>, Int>()
var minCost = Int.MAX_VALUE
val bestNodes = HashSet<RelPos>()
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val node = queue.removeFirst()
val pos = node.pos
val dir = node.dir
val cost = node.relLen
val path = node.path
path.add(pos to dir)
if (pos == endpos) {
if (cost < minCost) {
bestNodes.addAll( { it.first })
if (minCost == cost) {
bestNodes.addAll( { it.first })
minCost = minCost.coerceAtMost(cost)
if ((bestCosts[pos to dir] ?: Int.MAX_VALUE) < cost) {
bestCosts[pos to dir] = cost
val nextDirs =
costMap[dir]!!.filter { grid[pos.translate(it.first)] == '.' && cost + it.second < minCost && !path.contains(pos.translate(it.first) to it.first) }
.map { Node(pos.translate(it.first), it.first, cost + it.second, LinkedHashSet(path)) }
return bestNodes.size
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = inlineTestInput.trim().reader().readLines()
val testInput2 = inlineTestInput2.trim().reader().readLines()
//val testInput = readInput("aoc2024/Day16_test")
val testInputPart1Result = part1(testInput)
println("Part 1 Test: $testInputPart1Result")
val testInputPart1Result2 = part1(testInput2)
println("Part 1 Test 2: $testInputPart1Result2")
val testInputPart2Result = part2(testInput)
println("Part 2 Test: $testInputPart2Result")
val testInputPart2Result2 = part2(testInput2)
println("Part 2 Test2: $testInputPart2Result2")
check(testInputPart1Result == 7036)
check(testInputPart1Result2 == 11048)
check(testInputPart2Result == 45)
check(testInputPart2Result2 == 64)
val input = readInput("aoc2024/Day16")
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