Day 21 :-(

This commit is contained in:
Chris Hodges 2024-12-21 12:26:08 +01:00
parent aa0f1dad74
commit f494b763cf

src/aoc2024/Day21.kt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
package aoc2024
import RelPos
import println
import readInput
--- Day 21: Keypad Conundrum ---
fun main() {
val inlineTestInput = """
val doorPadMap = hashMapOf(
'7' to RelPos(-2, -3),
'8' to RelPos(-1, -3),
'9' to RelPos(0, -3),
'4' to RelPos(-2, -2),
'5' to RelPos(-1, -2),
'6' to RelPos(0, -2),
'1' to RelPos(-2, -1),
'2' to RelPos(-1, -1),
'3' to RelPos(0, -1),
'0' to RelPos(-1, 0),
'A' to RelPos(0, 0),
val robotPadMap = hashMapOf(
'^' to RelPos(-1, 0),
'A' to RelPos(0, 0),
'<' to RelPos(-2, 1),
'v' to RelPos(-1, 1),
'>' to RelPos(0, 1),
data class PadState(
var pos: RelPos,
val padMap: Map<Char, RelPos>,
val child: PadState? = null,
val cache: MutableMap<Pair<RelPos, RelPos>, Long> = HashMap()
) {
fun getMovement(c: Char): Long {
val targetPos = padMap[c]!!
return if (child == null) {
} else {
val movement = cache.getOrPut(pos to targetPos) {
val child = child
var sum = 0L
if (pos.dr == 0 && targetPos.dc == -2) {
while (targetPos.dr < pos.dr) {
sum += child.getMovement('^')
pos = pos.translate(0, -1)
while (targetPos.dr > pos.dr) {
sum += child.getMovement('v')
pos = pos.translate(0, 1)
if (pos.dc == -2 && targetPos.dr == 0) {
while (targetPos.dc > pos.dc) {
sum += child.getMovement('>')
pos = pos.translate(1, 0)
while (targetPos.dc < pos.dc) {
sum += child.getMovement('<')
pos = pos.translate(-1, 0)
while (targetPos.dr > pos.dr) {
sum += child.getMovement('v')
pos = pos.translate(0, 1)
while (targetPos.dr < pos.dr) {
sum += child.getMovement('^')
pos = pos.translate(0, -1)
while (targetPos.dc > pos.dc) {
sum += child.getMovement('>')
pos = pos.translate(1, 0)
sum += child.getMovement('A')
pos = targetPos
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
val home = RelPos(0, 0)
val myPad = PadState(home, robotPadMap)
val robotPad2 = PadState(home, robotPadMap, myPad)
val robotPad1 = PadState(home, robotPadMap, robotPad2)
val doorPad = PadState(home, doorPadMap, robotPad1)
var sum = 0L
for (seq in input) {
val seqVal = seq.take(3).toLong()
sum += seq.sumOf { doorPad.getMovement(it) } * seqVal
return sum
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val home = RelPos(0, 0)
val myPad = PadState(home, robotPadMap)
var lastPad = myPad
Array(25) { PadState(home, robotPadMap, lastPad).also { lastPad = it } }
val doorPad = PadState(home, doorPadMap, lastPad)
var sum = 0L
for (seq in input) {
val seqVal = seq.take(3).toLong()
sum += seq.sumOf { doorPad.getMovement(it) } * seqVal
return sum
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = inlineTestInput.trim().reader().readLines()
//val testInput = readInput("aoc2024/Day21_test")
val testInputPart1Result = part1(testInput)
println("Part 1 Test: $testInputPart1Result")
val testInputPart2Result = part2(testInput)
println("Part 2 Test: $testInputPart2Result")
check(testInputPart1Result == 126384L)
//check(testInputPart2Result == 0)
val input = readInput("aoc2024/Day21")