Compare commits
No commits in common. "abb0225d064653bd8ff228d71667c3e1bce2cbae" and "26661cbfd8f6100d9565a33208309873d4ee366e" have entirely different histories.
@ -196,17 +196,10 @@ class CharGrid {
fun matchRelative(c: Int, r: Int, relposes: Iterable<RelPos>, predicate: (char: Char) -> Boolean): List<RelPos> =
fun matchRelative(c: Int, r: Int, relposes: Iterable<RelPos>, predicate: (char: Char) -> Boolean): List<RelPos> =
relposes.filter { predicate(get(c + it.dc, r + it.dr)) }
relposes.filter { predicate(get(c + it.dc, r + it.dr)) }
fun marchMatching(pos: RelPos, relposes: Iterable<RelPos>, predicate: (char: Char) -> Boolean): List<RelPos> =
|||||| { pos.translate(it) }.filter { predicate(get(it)) }
fun findMatches(predicate: (char: Char) -> Boolean): List<Pair<Int, Int>> {
fun findMatches(predicate: (char: Char) -> Boolean): List<Pair<Int, Int>> {
return generateGridPos().filter { predicate(get(it)) }.map { it.dc to it.dr }.toList()
return generateGridPos().filter { predicate(get(it)) }.map { it.dc to it.dr }.toList()
fun findMatchesRelPos(predicate: (char: Char) -> Boolean): List<RelPos> {
return generateGridPos().filter { predicate(get(it)) }.toList()
fun collectMatches(predicate: (char: Char) -> Boolean): List<Pair<Char, RelPos>> {
fun collectMatches(predicate: (char: Char) -> Boolean): List<Pair<Char, RelPos>> {
return generateGridPos().filter { predicate(get(it)) }.map { get(it) to it }.toList()
return generateGridPos().filter { predicate(get(it)) }.map { get(it) to it }.toList()
@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
package aoc2024
import println
import readInput
--- Day 9: Disk Fragmenter ---
fun main() {
val inlineTestInput = """2333133121414131402"""
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
val diskSize = input[0].sumOf { it - '0' }
val bitmap = IntArray(diskSize) { -1 }
var pos = 0
var isFile = true
var fileId = 0
var usedBlocks = 0
for (c in input[0]) {
val size = c - '0'
if (isFile) {
usedBlocks += size
for (p in 1..size) {
bitmap[pos++] = fileId
} else {
pos += size
isFile = !isFile
var backPos = diskSize - 1
for (i in 0 until usedBlocks) {
if (bitmap[i] == -1) {
while (bitmap[backPos] < 0) {
bitmap[i] = bitmap[backPos]
bitmap[backPos--] = -1
return bitmap.take(usedBlocks).map(Int::toLong).reduceIndexed { index, acc, i -> acc + index * i }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val diskSize = input[0].sumOf { it - '0' }
val bitmap = IntArray(diskSize) { 0 }
var pos = 0
var isFile = true
var fileId = 0
val freeList = HashMap<Int, MutableList<Int>>()
val fileList = ArrayList<Pair<Int, Pair<Int, Int>>>()
val newFileList = ArrayList<Pair<Int, Pair<Int, Int>>>()
for (c in input[0]) {
val size = c - '0'
if (isFile) {
if (size == 0) println("Narf!")
fileList.add(fileId to (pos to size))
} else {
if (size > 0) {
freeList.getOrPut(size) { ArrayDeque(0) }.add(pos)
pos += size
isFile = !isFile
for (file in fileList.reversed()) {
val (filePos, size) = file.second
var bestList: MutableList<Int>? = null
var bestListSize = 0
for (s in size..9) {
val list = freeList[s]
if (list?.isNotEmpty() == true && list[0] < filePos) {
if (bestList == null || list[0] < bestList[0]) {
bestList = list
bestListSize = s
if (bestList != null) {
val newPos = bestList.removeAt(0)
if (bestListSize > size) {
val remBucket = freeList.getOrPut(bestListSize - size) { ArrayDeque(0) }
remBucket.add(newPos + size)
newFileList.add(file.first to (newPos to size))
} else {
for (file in newFileList) {
for (i in 0 until file.second.second) {
bitmap[i + file.second.first] = file.first
return { index, acc, i -> acc + index * i }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = inlineTestInput.trim().reader().readLines()
//val testInput = readInput("aoc2024/Day09_test")
val testInputPart1Result = part1(testInput)
println("Part 1 Test: $testInputPart1Result")
val testInputPart2Result = part2(testInput)
println("Part 2 Test: $testInputPart2Result")
check(testInputPart1Result == 1928L)
check(testInputPart2Result == 2858L)
val input = readInput("aoc2024/Day09")
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
package aoc2024
import CharGrid
import RelPos
import println
import readInput
--- Day 10: Hoof It ---
fun main() {
val inlineTestInput = """
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val grid = CharGrid(input)
val starts = grid.findMatchesRelPos { it == '0' }
var sum = 0
for (startPos in starts) {
var nodes = listOf(startPos)
for (c in '1'..'9') {
nodes = nodes.flatMap { grid.marchMatching(it, CharGrid.PLUS_POS) { char -> char == c } }.distinct()
if (nodes.isEmpty()) break
sum += nodes.size
return sum
fun walkTrail(grid: CharGrid, c: Char, p: RelPos): Int {
val newNodes = grid.marchMatching(p, CharGrid.PLUS_POS) { it == c }
return if (c == '9') newNodes.size else newNodes.sumOf { walkTrail(grid, c + 1, it) }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val grid = CharGrid(input)
return grid.findMatchesRelPos { it == '0' }.sumOf { walkTrail(grid, '1', it) }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = inlineTestInput.trim().reader().readLines()
//val testInput = readInput("aoc2024/Day10_test")
val testInputPart1Result = part1(testInput)
println("Part 1 Test: $testInputPart1Result")
val testInputPart2Result = part2(testInput)
println("Part 2 Test: $testInputPart2Result")
check(testInputPart1Result == 36)
check(testInputPart2Result == 81)
val input = readInput("aoc2024/Day10")
Reference in New Issue
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