2019-03-10 18:19:46 +01:00
# Cajon - Concise AssertJ Optimizing Nitpicker
2019-03-31 15:15:06 +02:00
Cajon is an IntelliJ IDEA Plugin for shortening and optimizing AssertJ assertions.
2019-03-10 18:19:46 +01:00
## Why?
2019-03-24 09:15:07 +01:00
First, code is easier to read, when it is concise and reflects the intention clearly.
AssertJ has plenty of different convenience methods that describing various intentions precisely.
2019-03-10 18:19:46 +01:00
Why write longer, more complex code that can be expressed in brevity?
Second, AssertJ is able to output more meaningful descriptions when an assertion fails.
2019-03-24 09:15:07 +01:00
This makes finding bugs and fixing failed tests more efficient.
For example:
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2019-03-24 09:15:07 +01:00
If the collection has more or less than 5 elements, the assertion will fail, but will not
tell you about the contents, making it hard to guess what went wrong.
Instead, if you wrote the same assertion the following way:
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2019-03-24 09:15:07 +01:00
Then AssertJ would tell you the contents of the collection on failure.
2019-03-10 18:19:46 +01:00
2019-03-31 15:15:06 +02:00
## Conversion of JUnit assertions to AssertJ
The plugin also supports the conversion of the most common JUnit 4 assertions to AssertJ.
2019-04-11 16:26:11 +02:00
## Usage
The plugin will report inspections in your opened editor file as warnings.
You can then quick-fix these with your quick-fix hotkey (usually Alt-Return or Opt-Return).
Or, you can use the "Run Inspection by Name..." action to run one inspection on a bigger scope (e.g. the whole project).
You can toggle the various inspections in the Settings/Editor/Inspections in the AssertJ group.
2019-03-31 20:44:52 +02:00
## Implemented inspections
2019-03-10 18:19:46 +01:00
2019-04-06 17:41:32 +02:00
- AssertThatObjectIsNullOrNotNull
2019-03-31 15:15:06 +02:00
from: assertThat(object).isEqualTo(null);
to: assertThat(object).isNull();
2019-04-06 17:41:32 +02:00
2019-03-31 15:15:06 +02:00
from: assertThat(object).isNotEqualTo(null);
to: assertThat(object).isNotNull();
2019-04-11 23:55:35 +02:00
2019-03-10 18:19:46 +01:00
- AssertThatBooleanIsTrueOrFalse
2019-03-31 15:15:06 +02:00
from: assertThat(booleanValue).isEqualTo(true/false/Boolean.TRUE/Boolean.FALSE);
to: assertThat(booleanValue).isTrue()/isFalse();
2019-04-11 23:55:35 +02:00
2019-03-23 22:44:22 +01:00
- AssertThatStringIsEmpty
2019-03-31 15:15:06 +02:00
from: assertThat(charSequence/string).isEqualTo("");
from: assertThat(charSequence/string).hasSize(0);
to: assertThat(charSequence/string).isEmpty();
2019-04-11 23:55:35 +02:00
2019-03-24 14:42:02 +01:00
- AssertThatEnumerableIsEmpty
2019-03-31 15:15:06 +02:00
from: assertThat(enumerable).hasSize(0);
to: assertThat(enumerable).isEmpty();
2019-03-31 20:44:52 +02:00
2019-04-11 23:55:35 +02:00
2019-03-31 20:44:52 +02:00
- AssertThatSize
from: assertThat(array.length).isEqualTo(0);
from: assertThat(array.length).isLessThanOrEqualTo(0);
from: assertThat(array.length).isLessThan(1);
from: assertThat(array.length).isZero();
to: assertThat(array).isEmpty();
from: assertThat(array.length).isGreaterThan(0);
from: assertThat(array.length).isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(1);
from: assertThat(array.length).isNotZero();
to: assertThat(array).isNotEmpty();
from: assertThat(array.length).isEqualTo(anotherArray.length);
to: assertThat(array).hasSameSizeAs(anotherArray);
2019-04-06 16:53:20 +02:00
with AssertJ 13.2.0 or higher
from: assertThat(array.length).isLessThanOrEqualTo(expression);
to: assertThat(array).hasSizeLessThanOrEqualTo(expression);
from: assertThat(array.length).isLessThan(expression);
to: assertThat(array).hasSizeLessThan(expression);
from: assertThat(array.length).isGreaterThan(expression);
to: assertThat(array).hasSizeGreaterThan(expression);
from: assertThat(array.length).isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(expression);
to: assertThat(array).hasSizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(expression);
2019-03-31 20:44:52 +02:00
and analogously for collections...
2019-04-07 11:29:07 +02:00
- AssertThatBinaryExpressionIsTrueOrFalse
from: assertThat(primActual == primExpected).isTrue();
to: assertThat(primActual).isEqualTo(primExpected);
from: assertThat(10 < primActual ) . isNotEqualTo ( false ) ;
to: assertThat(primActual).isGreaterThan(primExpected);
from: assertThat(objActual != objExpected).isEqualTo(true);
to: assertThat(objActual).isNotSameAs(objExpected);
from: assertThat(null == objActual).isFalse();
to: assertThat(objActual).isNotNull();
and many, many more combinations (more than 150).
2019-04-11 16:26:11 +02:00
- AssertThatJava8Optional
from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isEqualTo(true);
from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isNotEqualTo(false);
from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isTrue();
to: assertThat(opt).isPresent();
from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isEqualTo(false);
from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isNotEqualTo(true);
from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isFalse();
to: assertThat(opt).isNotPresent();
from: assertThat(opt.get()).isEqualTo("foo");
to: assertThat(opt).contains("foo");
from: assertThat(opt.get()).isSameAs("foo");
to: assertThat(opt).containsSame("foo");
from: assertThat(opt).isEqualTo(Optional.of("foo"));
from: assertThat(opt).isEqualTo(Optional.ofNullable("foo"));
to: assertThat(opt).contains("foo");
from: assertThat(opt).isEqualTo(Optional.empty());
to: assertThat(opt).isNotPresent();
from: assertThat(opt).isNotEqualTo(Optional.empty());
to: assertThat(opt).isPresent();
2019-03-31 15:15:06 +02:00
- JUnitAssertToAssertJ
assertTrue(message, condition);
assertFalse(message, condition);
assertNull(message, object);
assertNonNull(message, object);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
assertEquals(message, expected, actual);
assertEquals(expectedDoubleOrFloat, actualDoubleOrFloat, delta);
assertEquals(message, expectedDoubleOrFloat, actualDoubleOrFloat, delta);
assertNotEquals(unexpected, actual);
assertNotEquals(message, unexpected, actual);
assertNotEquals(unexpectedDoubleOrFloat, actualDoubleOrFloat, delta);
assertNotEquals(message, unexpectedDoubleOrFloat, actualDoubleOrFloat, delta);
assertSame(expected, actual);
assertSame(message, expected, actual);
assertNotSame(unexpected, actual);
assertNotSame(message, unexpected, actual);
assertArrayEquals(expected, actual);
assertArrayEquals(message, expectedArray, actualArray);
assertArrayEquals(expectedDoubleOrFloatArray, actualDoubleOrFloatArray, delta);
assertArrayEquals(message, expectedDoubleOrFloatArray, actualDoubleOrFloatArray, delta);
2019-04-11 23:55:35 +02:00
2019-04-11 16:26:11 +02:00
- AssertThatGuavaOptional
from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isEqualTo(true);
from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isNotEqualTo(false);
from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isTrue();
to: assertThat(opt).isPresent();
from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isEqualTo(false);
from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isNotEqualTo(true);
from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isFalse();
to: assertThat(opt).isAbsent();
from: assertThat(opt.get()).isEqualTo("foo");
to: assertThat(opt).contains("foo");
from: assertThat(opt).isEqualTo(Optional.of("foo"));
from: assertThat(opt).isEqualTo(Optional.fromNullable("foo"));
to: assertThat(opt).contains("foo");
from: assertThat(opt).isEqualTo(Optional.absent());
to: assertThat(opt).isAbsent();
2019-04-06 16:53:20 +02:00
2019-04-11 16:26:11 +02:00
from: assertThat(opt).isNotEqualTo(Optional.absent());
to: assertThat(opt).isPresent();
2019-04-06 16:53:20 +02:00
2019-04-11 16:26:11 +02:00
2019-04-11 23:55:35 +02:00
AssertJ for Guava needs to be available in the classpath.
## Development notice
Cajon is written in Kotlin 1.3.
Cajon is probably the only plugin that uses JUnit 5 Jupiter for unit testing so far (or at least the only one that I'm aware of ;) ).
The IntelliJ framework actually uses the JUnit 3 TestCase for plugin testing and I took me quite a while to make it work with JUnit 5.
Feel free to use the code (in package de.platon42.intellij.jupiter) for your projects (with attribution).
- AssertThatNegatedBooleanExpression
- AssertThatInstanceOf
2019-04-06 16:53:20 +02:00
- Referencing string properties inside extracting()
- Extraction with property names to lambda with Java 8
from: assertThat(object).extracting("propOne", "propNoGetter", "propTwo.innerProp")...
to: assertThat(object).extracting(type::getPropOne, it -> it.propNoGetter, it -> it.getPropTwo().getInnerProp())...
2019-04-07 11:29:07 +02:00
- Kotlin support
2019-04-11 16:26:11 +02:00
## Changelog
2019-04-11 23:55:35 +02:00
#### V0.4 (11-Apr-19)
- Reduced minimal supported IDEA version from 2018.2 to 2017.2.
- New inspection AssertThatJava8Optional that operates on Java 8 Optional objects and tries to use contains(), containsSame(), isPresent(), and isNotPresent() instead.
- New inspection AssertThatGuavaOptional that operates on Guava Optional objects and tries to use contains(), isPresent(), and isAbsent() instead.
- Added support in AssertThatBinaryExpressionIsTrueOrFalse for is(Not)EqualTo(Boolean.TRUE/FALSE).
2019-04-11 16:26:11 +02:00
#### V0.3 (07-Apr-19)
- New inspection AssertThatBinaryExpressionIsTrueOrFalse that will find and fix common binary expressions and equals() statements (more than 150 combinations) inside assertThat().
- Merged AssertThatObjectIsNull and AssertThatObjectIsNotNull to AssertThatObjectIsNullOrNotNull.
- Support for hasSizeLessThan(), hasSizeLessThanOrEqualTo(), hasSizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(), and hasSizeGreaterThan() for AssertThatSizeInspection (with AssertJ >=13.2.0).
- Really fixed highlighting for JUnit conversion. Sorry.
#### V0.2 (01-Apr-19)
- Fixed descriptions and quick fix texts.
- Fixed highlighting of found problems and also 'Run inspection by Name' returning nothing.
#### V0.1 (31-Mar-19)
- Initial release.