Fixed an exception in batch mode if the description string was the same but for different fixes. Now descriptions are different for quick fixes triggered by AssertThatJava8OptionalInspection and AssertThatGuavaOptionalInspection. Minor refactorings. Extended documentation.
Heavy refactoring regarding quick fixes (using more extensions).
Even more refactoring.
Fixed/extended AssertThatGuavaOptionalInspection regarding static.
imports and wrong reference to core assertThat() where Guava assertThat() actually was necessary.
Support for hasSizeLessThan(), hasSizeLessThanOrEqualTo(), hasSizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(), and hasSizeGreaterThan() for AssertThatSizeInspection (with AssertJ >=13.2.0).
Really fixed highlighting for JUnit conversion. Sorry.
Fixed testing code to work against IDEA 2019.1.