IntelliJ Plugin for shortening and optimizing AssertJ assertions.
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2019-03-31 21:55:49 +02:00
.idea Implemented JUnitAssertToAssertJInspection. More refactorings. Doc fixes. 2019-03-31 15:15:06 +02:00
gradle/wrapper Initial check-in with two inspections working. 2019-03-10 18:19:46 +01:00
src Added licence. Fixed descriptions. 2019-03-31 21:55:49 +02:00
build.gradle Added licence. Fixed descriptions. 2019-03-31 21:55:49 +02:00 Added licence. Fixed descriptions. 2019-03-31 21:55:49 +02:00
gradlew Initial check-in with two inspections working. 2019-03-10 18:19:46 +01:00
gradlew.bat Initial check-in with two inspections working. 2019-03-10 18:19:46 +01:00
LICENSE.TXT Added licence. Fixed descriptions. 2019-03-31 21:55:49 +02:00 Implemented AssertThatSizeInspection. 2019-03-31 20:44:52 +02:00
settings.gradle Initial check-in with two inspections working. 2019-03-10 18:19:46 +01:00

Cajon - Concise AssertJ Optimizing Nitpicker

Cajon is an IntelliJ IDEA Plugin for shortening and optimizing AssertJ assertions.


First, code is easier to read, when it is concise and reflects the intention clearly. AssertJ has plenty of different convenience methods that describing various intentions precisely. Why write longer, more complex code that can be expressed in brevity?

Second, AssertJ is able to output more meaningful descriptions when an assertion fails. This makes finding bugs and fixing failed tests more efficient.

For example:


If the collection has more or less than 5 elements, the assertion will fail, but will not tell you about the contents, making it hard to guess what went wrong.

Instead, if you wrote the same assertion the following way:


Then AssertJ would tell you the contents of the collection on failure.

Conversion of JUnit assertions to AssertJ

The plugin also supports the conversion of the most common JUnit 4 assertions to AssertJ.

Implemented inspections

  • AssertThatObjectIsNull

    from: assertThat(object).isEqualTo(null);
      to: assertThat(object).isNull();
  • AssertThatObjectIsNotNull

    from: assertThat(object).isNotEqualTo(null);  
      to: assertThat(object).isNotNull();
  • AssertThatBooleanIsTrueOrFalse

    from: assertThat(booleanValue).isEqualTo(true/false/Boolean.TRUE/Boolean.FALSE);  
      to: assertThat(booleanValue).isTrue()/isFalse();
  • AssertThatStringIsEmpty

    from: assertThat(charSequence/string).isEqualTo("");
    from: assertThat(charSequence/string).hasSize(0);
      to: assertThat(charSequence/string).isEmpty();
  • AssertThatEnumerableIsEmpty

    from: assertThat(enumerable).hasSize(0);
      to: assertThat(enumerable).isEmpty();
  • AssertThatSize

    from: assertThat(array.length).isEqualTo(0);
    from: assertThat(array.length).isLessThanOrEqualTo(0);
    from: assertThat(array.length).isLessThan(1);
    from: assertThat(array.length).isZero();
      to: assertThat(array).isEmpty();
    from: assertThat(array.length).isGreaterThan(0);
    from: assertThat(array.length).isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(1);
    from: assertThat(array.length).isNotZero();
      to: assertThat(array).isNotEmpty();
    from: assertThat(array.length).isEqualTo(anotherArray.length);
      to: assertThat(array).hasSameSizeAs(anotherArray);

    and analogously for collections...

  • JUnitAssertToAssertJ

    assertTrue(message, condition);
    assertFalse(message, condition);
    assertNull(message, object);
    assertNonNull(message, object);
    assertEquals(expected, actual);
    assertEquals(message, expected, actual);
    assertEquals(expectedDoubleOrFloat, actualDoubleOrFloat, delta);
    assertEquals(message, expectedDoubleOrFloat, actualDoubleOrFloat, delta);
    assertNotEquals(unexpected, actual);
    assertNotEquals(message, unexpected, actual);
    assertNotEquals(unexpectedDoubleOrFloat, actualDoubleOrFloat, delta);
    assertNotEquals(message, unexpectedDoubleOrFloat, actualDoubleOrFloat, delta);
    assertSame(expected, actual);
    assertSame(message, expected, actual);
    assertNotSame(unexpected, actual);
    assertNotSame(message, unexpected, actual);
    assertArrayEquals(expected, actual);
    assertArrayEquals(message, expectedArray, actualArray);
    assertArrayEquals(expectedDoubleOrFloatArray, actualDoubleOrFloatArray, delta);
    assertArrayEquals(message, expectedDoubleOrFloatArray, actualDoubleOrFloatArray, delta);


  • AssertThatGuavaOptionalContains
  • extraction with property names to lambda with Java 8