Macros with register name now abort Dead Write analysis. Fix for modifying statements extending the with of the written data.

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Chris Hodges 2021-08-05 16:21:32 +02:00
parent 6c9a726b86
commit 2abb5af8b0
3 changed files with 50 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class M68kDeadWriteInspection : AbstractBaseM68kLocalInspectionTool() {
val hints = SmartList<ProblemDescriptor>()
for (regPair in regsWritten) {
val register = regPair.first
val rwm = regPair.second
var rwm = regPair.second
var currStatement = asmInstruction.parent as M68kStatement
var ccModification = adrMode.affectedCc
@ -61,6 +61,11 @@ class M68kDeadWriteInspection : AbstractBaseM68kLocalInspectionTool() {
val globalLabel = PsiTreeUtil.findChildOfType(currStatement,
if (globalLabel != null) break
if (PsiTreeUtil.getChildOfType(currStatement, != null) break
// as we cannot evaluate macros right now, abort at macros containing the register name (only lower case for simplicity)
val macroCall = PsiTreeUtil.getChildOfType(currStatement,
if (macroCall?.exprList?.any { it.textMatches(register.regname) } == true) break
val currAsmInstruction = PsiTreeUtil.getChildOfType(currStatement, ?: continue
val (isaData, currAdrMode) = findExactIsaDataAndAllowedAdrModeForInstruction(currAsmInstruction) ?: continue
if (isaData.changesControlFlow) break
@ -74,6 +79,7 @@ class M68kDeadWriteInspection : AbstractBaseM68kLocalInspectionTool() {
hasModification = true
ccOverwritten = false
ccModification = ccModification or currAdrMode.affectedCc
rwm = (totalRwms ushr RWM_MODIFY_SHIFT) and RWM_SET_L
if (totalRwms and RWM_SET_L >= rwm) {
if (ccTested && hasModification) {

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@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ Issues a weak warning if the instruction affects only condition codes that are l
Analysis is terminated at the next global label or instruction that reads the register or changes control flow
(or preprocessor statements, like conditional IF statements).
<!-- tooltip end -->
<p>Note: As there is no evaluation of macros right now, the inspection might report some false positives.</p>
<p>Note: As there is no evaluation of macros right now, the inspection might report some false positives.
As an attempt to reduce these false positives, macros containing the register name will abort the analysis.

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@ -169,4 +169,43 @@ internal class M68kDeadWriteInspectionTest : AbstractInspectionTest() {
internal fun modification_extending_width_does_not_cause_a_warning_on_smaller_write_later(@MyFixture myFixture: CodeInsightTestFixture) {
"deadwrite.asm", """
move.b (a0)+,d0
lsl #8,d0
move.b (a0)+,d0
internal fun macro_call_with_register_name_will_not_cause_a_warning(@MyFixture myFixture: CodeInsightTestFixture) {
"deadwrite.asm", """
moveq.l #-1,d0
COPRMOVE d0,bltafwm
move.l pd_CurrPlanesPtr(a4),d0
internal fun macro_call_with_different_register_name_will_cause_a_warning(@MyFixture myFixture: CodeInsightTestFixture) {
"deadwrite.asm", """
moveq.l #-1,d0
COPRMOVE d1,bltafwm
move.l pd_CurrPlanesPtr(a4),d0
assertHighlightings(myFixture, 1, "Register d0 is overwritten later without being used")