forked from chrisly42/Hamazing
257 lines
8.1 KiB
257 lines
8.1 KiB
; Light Speed Player v1.11
; Fastest Amiga MOD player ever :)
; Written By Arnaud Carré (aka Leonard / OXYGENE)
; Adapted to demo framework (and optimized) by platon42.
; twitter: @leonard_coder
; "small & fast" player version ( average time: 1 scanline )
; Less than 512 bytes of code!
; You can also use generated "insane" player code for even more half scanline replayer (-insane option)
; LSP_MusicInit Initialize a LSP driver + relocate score&bank music data
; LSP_MusicPlayTick Play a LSP music (call it per frame)
; LSP_MusicGetPos Get mod seq pos (see -setpos option in LSPConvert)
; LSP_MusicSetPos Set mod seq pos (see -getpos option in LSPConvert)
; LSP_MusicPlayTick
; In: a5: should be $dff000
; Scratched regs: d0-d2/a0-a4
; Out:None
addq.w #1,fw_MusicFrameCount(a6)
lea fw_LspByteStream(a6),a3
move.l (a3),a0 ; fw_LspByteStream, byte stream
move.l fw_LspCodeTableAddr(a6),a2 ; code table
moveq.l #0,d0
move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s .cextended
add.w d0,d0
move.w (a2,d0.w),d0 ; code
bne.s .cmdExec
move.l a0,(a3) ; fw_LspByteStream, store byte stream if coming from early out
add.w #$0100,d0
move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s .cextended
add.w d0,d0
move.w (a2,d0.w),d0 ; code
lea fw_LspEscCodeRewind(a6),a1
cmp.w (a1)+,d0 ; fw_LspEscCodeRewind
beq.s .r_rewind
cmp.w (a1)+,d0 ; fw_LspEscCodeSetBpm
beq.s .r_chgBpm
cmp.w (a1)+,d0 ; fw_LspEscCodeGetPos
bne.s .cmdExec
move.b (a0)+,fw_LspCurrentSeq+1(a6)
bra.s .process
move.l fw_LspByteStreamLoop(a6),a0
move.l fw_LspWordStreamLoop(a6),fw_LspWordStream(a6)
bra.s .process
move.b (a0)+,fw_LspCurrentBpm+1(a6) ; BPM
bra.s .process
add.b d0,d0
bcc.s .noVd
move.b (a0)+,aud3+ac_vol+1(a5)
.noVd add.b d0,d0
bcc.s .noVc
move.b (a0)+,aud2+ac_vol+1(a5)
.noVc add.b d0,d0
bcc.s .noVb
move.b (a0)+,aud1+ac_vol+1(a5)
.noVb add.b d0,d0
bcc.s .noVa
move.b (a0)+,aud0+ac_vol+1(a5)
move.l a0,(a3)+ ; fw_LspByteStream, store byte stream ptr
move.l (a3),a0 ; fw_LspWordStream, word stream
tst.b d0
beq.s .noPa
add.b d0,d0
bcc.s .noPd
move.w (a0)+,aud3+ac_per(a5)
.noPd add.b d0,d0
bcc.s .noPc
move.w (a0)+,aud2+ac_per(a5)
.noPc add.b d0,d0
bcc.s .noPb
move.w (a0)+,aud1+ac_per(a5)
.noPb add.b d0,d0
bcc.s .noPa
move.w (a0)+,aud0+ac_per(a5)
tst.w d0
beq.s .noInstWS
moveq.l #0,d1
move.l fw_LspInstruments(a6),a2 ; instrument table
lea fw_LspResetv+4*4(a6),a4
lea aud+3*ac_SIZEOF(a5),a1
moveq.l #4-1,d2
.vloop add.w d0,d0
bcs.s .setIns
add.w d0,d0
; suppress M68kUnexpectedConditionalInstruction
move.l -(a4),a3 ; take loop data
bcc.s .skip
move.l (a3)+,ac_ptr(a1) ; and update pointer/len with it
move.w (a3)+,ac_len(a1) ; (usually triggered from previous frame)
bra.s .skip
add.w (a0)+,a2
add.w d0,d0
bcc.s .noReset
bset d2,d1
move.w d1,dmacon(a5)
move.l (a2)+,ac_ptr(a1)
move.w (a2)+,ac_len(a1)
move.l a2,-(a4) ; set reset values for next iteration to contain loop data
.skip lea -ac_SIZEOF(a1),a1
dbra d2,.vloop
move.l fw_LspDmaConPatch(a6),a1 ; dmacon patch
move.b d1,(a1) ; dmacon
move.l a0,fw_LspWordStream(a6) ; store word stream
; LSP_MusicInit
; In: a0: LSP music data (any memory)
; a1: LSP sound bank (chip memory)
cmp.l #'LSP1',(a0)+
bne.s LSP_DataError
move.l (a0)+,d0 ; unique id
cmp.l (a1),d0 ; check that sample bank is this one
bne.s LSP_DataError
cmp.w #$010b,(a0)+ ; v1.11 minimal major & minor version of latest compatible
blt.s LSP_DataError
moveq.l #0,d1
bset d1,(a0) ; test and mark this music score as "relocated"
bne.s .noRelocate
move.l a1,d1
addq.w #2,a0 ; skip relocation flag
lea fw_LspCurrentBpm(a6),a3
move.w (a0)+,(a3)+ ; fw_LspCurrentBpm
move.l a0,(a3)+ ; fw_LspInstruments, LSP data has -12 offset on instrument tab (to win 2 cycles in fast player :))
move.w (a0)+,(a3)+ ; fw_LspEscCodeRewind
move.l (a0)+,(a3)+ ; fw_LspEscCodeSetBpm/fw_LspEscCodeGetPos
move.l (a0)+,(a3)+ ; fw_LspMusicLength
move.w (a0)+,d0 ; instrument count
add.w d0,d0
subq.w #1,d0
add.l d1,(a0)+
addq.l #2,a0
dbra d0,.relocLoop
move.w (a0)+,d0 ; codes table size
move.l a0,fw_LspCodeTableAddr(a6) ; code table
add.w d0,d0
add.w d0,a0
; read sequence timing infos (if any)
move.w (a0)+,d0
move.w d0,(a3)+ ; fw_LspSeqCount
move.l a0,(a3)+ ; fw_LspSeqTable
clr.w (a3)+ ; fw_LspCurrentSeq
move.w d0,d1
lsl.w #3,d1 ; 8 bytes per entry
adda.w d1,a0
movem.l (a0)+,d0/d1/d2 ; word stream size/byte stream loop point/word stream loop point
move.l a0,(a3)+ ; fw_LspStreamBase
lea (a0,d0.l),a1 ; byte stream
move.l a1,(a3)+ ; fw_LspByteStream
move.l a0,(a3)+ ; fw_LspWordStream
add.l d1,a1
add.l d2,a0
move.l a1,(a3)+ ; fw_LspByteStreamLoop
move.l a0,(a3)+ ; fw_LspWordStreamLoop
bset #1,$bfe001 ; disabling this fucking Low pass filter!!
; LSP_MusicSetPos
; In: d0: seq position (from 0 to last seq of the song)
; Out:None
; Force the replay pointer to a seq position. If music wasn't converted
; using -setpos option, this func does nothing
lea fw_LspSeqCount(a6),a1
cmp.w (a1)+,d0 ; fw_LspSeqCount
bge.s .noTimingInfo
move.l (a1)+,a0 ; fw_LspSeqTable
move.w d0,(a1)+ ; fw_LspCurrentSeq
lsl.w #3,d0
lea 8(a0,d0.w),a0
move.l (a1)+,d0 ; fw_LspStreamBase
move.l -(a0),d1
add.l d0,d1
move.l d1,(a1)+ ; fw_LspByteStream
move.l -(a0),d1
add.l d0,d1
move.l d1,(a1)+ ; fw_LspWordStream
IF 0
; LSP_MusicGetPos
; In: None
; Out: d0: seq position (from 0 to last seq of the song)
; Get the current seq position. If music wasn't converted with
; -getpos option, this func just returns 0
move.w fw_LspCurrentSeq(a6),d0