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Cajon - Concise AssertJ Optimizing Nitpicker
Cajon is an IntelliJ IDEA Plugin for shortening and optimizing AssertJ assertions.
First, code is easier to read, when it is concise and reflects the intention clearly. AssertJ has plenty of different convenience methods that describing various intentions precisely. Why write longer, more complex code that can be expressed in brevity?
Second, when using the available special assertion methods of AssertJ, a failure of a condition can be expressed in better detail and with more meaningful descriptions. This makes finding bugs and fixing failed tests more efficient. Nobody likes to read failures of the kind "failed because true is not false".
For example:
If the collection has more or less than five elements, the assertion will fail, but will not tell you about the contents, making it hard to guess what went wrong.
Instead, if you wrote the same assertion the following way:
Then AssertJ would tell you the actual contents of the collection on failure.
Conversion of JUnit assertions to AssertJ
The plugin also supports the conversion of the most common JUnit 4 assertions to AssertJ.
Lookup and refactoring of string-based extracting()
AssertJ allows extracting POJO fields/properties on iterables/arrays.
Using strings is not safe for refactoring (and before Java 8 Lambdas were available, creating extractor functions just for testing purpose was a bit too tedious).
This plugin adds support for referencing these fields (so you can ctrl(/cmd)-click on the string to go to the definition) and also allows safe refactoring on the fields (refactoring a getter method without a corresponding field will not work correctly right now).
The plugin will report inspections in your opened editor file as warnings. You can then quick-fix these with your quick-fix hotkey (usually Alt-Return or Opt-Return).
Or, you can use the "Run Inspection by Name..." action to run one inspection on a bigger scope (e.g. the whole project). Applying a quick fix might result in further optimization possibilities, so you might need to perform a couple of fixes before you get to the final result.
Check out this example where every line represents the result after a Cajon quickfix:
assertFalse(!(array.length == collection.size()));
assertThat(!(array.length == collection.size())).isFalse();
assertThat(array.length == collection.size()).isTrue();
You can toggle the various inspections in the Settings/Editor/Inspections in the AssertJ group.
Implemented inspections and quickfixes
Joins multiple
statements with same actual expression together.from: assertThat(expected).someCondition(); assertThat(expected).anotherCondition(); to: assertThat(expected).someCondition().anotherCondition();
Joining will work on actual expressions inside
that are equivalent expressions, except for method calls with known side-effect methods such asIterator.next()
and pre/post-increment/decrement operations -- please notify me about others.The comments of the statements will be preserved. When using
or similar, the statements will not be merged. -
instead.from: assertThat(object).isEqualTo(null); to: assertThat(object).isNull(); from: assertThat(object).isNotEqualTo(null); to: assertThat(object).isNotNull();
instead.from: assertThat(booleanValue).isEqualTo(true/false/Boolean.TRUE/Boolean.FALSE); to: assertThat(booleanValue).isTrue()/isFalse();
Inverts the boolean condition to make it more readable.
from: assertThat(!booleanValue).isEqualTo(true/false/Boolean.TRUE/Boolean.FALSE); from: assertThat(!booleanValue).isTrue()/isFalse(); to: assertThat(booleanValue).isFalse()/isTrue();
expressions out ofassertThat()
.from: assertThat(object instanceof classname).isEqualTo(true); from: assertThat(object instanceof classname).isTrue(); to: assertThat(object).isInstanceOf(classname.class); from: assertThat(object instanceof classname).isEqualTo(false); from: assertThat(object instanceof classname).isFalse(); to: assertThat(object).isNotInstanceOf(classname.class);
for empty string assertions.from: assertThat(charSequence/string).isEqualTo(""); from: assertThat(charSequence/string).hasSize(0); to: assertThat(charSequence/string).isEmpty();
case is handled in the AssertThatSize inspection. -
Moves string operations inside
out.from: assertThat(stringActual.isEmpty()).isTrue(); to: assertThat(stringActual).isEmpty(); from: assertThat(stringActual.equals(stringExpected)).isTrue(); from: assertThat(stringActual.contentEquals(charSeqExpected)).isTrue(); to: assertThat(stringActual).isEqualTo(stringExpected); from: assertThat(stringActual.equalsIgnoreCase(stringExpected)).isTrue(); to: assertThat(stringActual).isEqualToIgnoringCase(stringExpected); from: assertThat(stringActual.contains(stringExpected)).isTrue(); to: assertThat(stringActual).contains(stringExpected); from: assertThat(stringActual.startsWith(stringExpected)).isTrue(); to: assertThat(stringActual).startsWith(stringExpected); from: assertThat(stringActual.endsWith(stringExpected)).isTrue(); to: assertThat(stringActual).endsWith(stringExpected);
Analogously with
. -
Moves collection and map operations inside
out.from: assertThat(collection.isEmpty()).isTrue(); to: assertThat(collection).isEmpty(); from: assertThat(collection.contains("foobar")).isTrue(); to: assertThat(collection).contains("foobar"); from: assertThat(collection.containsAll(otherCollection)).isTrue(); to: assertThat(collection).containsAll(otherCollection); from: assertThat(map.isEmpty()).isTrue(); to: assertThat(map).isEmpty(); from: assertThat(map.containsKey(key)).isTrue(); to: assertThat(map).containsKey(key); from: assertThat(map.containsValue(value)).isTrue(); to: assertThat(map).containsValue(value);
Analogously with
(except forcontainsAll()
). -
iterable assertions instead.from: assertThat(enumerable).hasSize(0); to: assertThat(enumerable).isEmpty();
Makes assertions on sizes of arrays, collections, strings, or
s more concise.from: assertThat(array.length).isEqualTo(0); from: assertThat(array.length).isLessThanOrEqualTo(0); from: assertThat(array.length).isLessThan(1); from: assertThat(array.length).isZero(); to: assertThat(array).isEmpty(); from: assertThat(array.length).isGreaterThan(0); from: assertThat(array.length).isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(1); from: assertThat(array.length).isNotZero(); to: assertThat(array).isNotEmpty(); from: assertThat(array.length).isEqualTo(anotherArray.length); to: assertThat(array).hasSameSizeAs(anotherArray); from: assertThat(array).hasSize(anotherArray.length); to: assertThat(array).hasSameSizeAs(anotherArray);
and additionally with AssertJ 13.2.0 or later
from: assertThat(array.length).isLessThanOrEqualTo(expression); to: assertThat(array).hasSizeLessThanOrEqualTo(expression); from: assertThat(array.length).isLessThan(expression); to: assertThat(array).hasSizeLessThan(expression); from: assertThat(array.length).isGreaterThan(expression); to: assertThat(array).hasSizeGreaterThan(expression); from: assertThat(array.length).isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(expression); to: assertThat(array).hasSizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(expression);
and analogously for collections, strings and CharSequences, e.g:
from: assertThat("string".length()).isLessThan(1); to: assertThat("string").isEmpty(); from: assertThat("string".length()).isEqualTo(collection.size()) to: assertThat("string").hasSameSizeAs(collection); from: assertThat("string".length()).hasSize("strong".length()) to: assertThat("string").hasSameSizeAs("strong");
Splits a boolean condition represented by binary expression out of
.from: assertThat(primActual == primExpected).isTrue(); to: assertThat(primActual).isEqualTo(primExpected); from: assertThat(10 < primActual).isNotEqualTo(false); to: assertThat(primActual).isGreaterThan(10); from: assertThat(objActual != objExpected).isEqualTo(true); to: assertThat(objActual).isNotSameAs(objExpected); from: assertThat(null == objActual).isFalse(); to: assertThat(objActual).isNotNull(); from: assertThat(objActual.equals(objExpected).isTrue(); to: assertThat(objActual).isEqualTo(objExpected);
...and many, many more combinations (more than 150).
Detects and removes implicit use of
when followed by an assertion that will implicitly cover this check.from: assertThat(string).isNotNull().startsWith("foo"); to: assertThat(string).startsWith("foo"); from: assertThat(list).isNotEmpty().hasSize(10); to: assertThat(list).hasSize(10); from: assertThat(optional).isPresent().contains("foo"); to: assertThat(optional).contains("foo");
...and many more combinations (more than 100).
Examines the statement for Java 8
type and whether the statement effectively tries to assert the presence, absence or content and then replaces the statement by better assertions.from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isEqualTo(true); from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isNotEqualTo(false); from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isTrue(); to: assertThat(opt).isPresent(); from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isEqualTo(false); from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isNotEqualTo(true); from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isFalse(); to: assertThat(opt).isNotPresent(); from: assertThat(opt.get()).isEqualTo("foo"); to: assertThat(opt).contains("foo"); from: assertThat(opt.get()).isSameAs("foo"); to: assertThat(opt).containsSame("foo"); from: assertThat(opt.orElse(null)).isEqualTo(null); to: assertThat(opt).isNotPresent(); from: assertThat(opt.orElse(null)).isNotEqualTo(null); to: assertThat(opt).isPresent(); from: assertThat(opt).isEqualTo(Optional.of("foo")); from: assertThat(opt).isEqualTo(Optional.ofNullable("foo")); to: assertThat(opt).contains("foo"); from: assertThat(opt).isEqualTo(Optional.empty()); to: assertThat(opt).isNotPresent(); from: assertThat(opt).isNotEqualTo(Optional.empty()); to: assertThat(opt).isPresent();
Examines the statement for Google Guava
type and whether the statement effectively tries to assert the presence, absence or content and then replaces the statement by better assertions.from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isEqualTo(true); from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isNotEqualTo(false); from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isTrue(); to: assertThat(opt).isPresent(); from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isEqualTo(false); from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isNotEqualTo(true); from: assertThat(opt.isPresent()).isFalse(); to: assertThat(opt).isAbsent(); from: assertThat(opt.get()).isEqualTo("foo"); to: assertThat(opt).contains("foo"); from: assertThat(opt.orNull()).isEqualTo(null); to: assertThat(opt).isAbsent(); from: assertThat(opt.orNull()).isNotEqualTo(null); to: assertThat(opt).isPresent(); from: assertThat(opt).isEqualTo(Optional.of("foo")); from: assertThat(opt).isEqualTo(Optional.fromNullable("foo")); to: assertThat(opt).contains("foo"); from: assertThat(opt).isEqualTo(Optional.absent()); to: assertThat(opt).isAbsent(); from: assertThat(opt).isNotEqualTo(Optional.absent()); to: assertThat(opt).isPresent();
AssertJ for Guava needs to be available in the classpath.
Tries to detect bogus uses of return statements in test methods and replaces them by
calls.Novices will use these to skip test execution by bailing out early on some preconditions not met. However, this suggests that the test has actually been run and passed instead of showing the test as being skipped.
Return statements in
statements in main test methods (must be annotated with JUnit 4 or Jupiter@Test
annotations) will be verified to have at least oneassertThat()
statement in the code flow. Method calls within the same class will be examined forassertThat()
statements, too. However, at most 50 statements and down to five recursions will be tolerated before giving up.Currently, the quickfix may lose some comments during operation. The other branch of the
statement will be inlined (blocks with declarations will remain a code block due to variable scope). The quickfix will only work with AssertJ >= 2.9.0 (for 2.x releases) or >= 3.9.0 (for 3.x releases).The generated
statement could be optimized further (similar toassertThat()
), but there is currently no support in Cajon for this (you could rename the method toassertThat()
optimize it and turn it back intoassumeThat()
in the end).Example:
@Test public void check_fuel_emission() { if (System.getProperty("manufacturer").equals("Volkswagen")) { return; } double nitroxppm = doWltpDrivingCycle(); assertThat(nitroxppm).isLessThan(500.0); }
will be transformed to
@Test public void check_fuel_emission() { assumeThat(System.getProperty("manufacturer").equals("Volkswagen")).isFalse(); double nitroxppm = doWltpDrivingCycle(); assertThat(nitroxppm).isLessThan(500.0); }
Tries to convert most of the JUnit 4 assertions and assumptions to AssertJ format. Sometimes the expected and actual expressions are specified in wrong order -- Cajon tries to swap these when it detects the supposed actual expression to be a constant while the expected one is not.
Does not support Hamcrest-Matchers. If you need that kind of conversion, you might want to check out the Assertions2AssertJ plugin by Ric Emery.
assertTrue(condition); assertTrue(message, condition); assertFalse(condition); assertFalse(message, condition); assertNull(object); assertNull(message, object); assertNotNull(object); assertNotNull(message, object); assertEquals(expected, actual); assertEquals(message, expected, actual); assertEquals(expectedDoubleOrFloat, actualDoubleOrFloat, delta); assertEquals(message, expectedDoubleOrFloat, actualDoubleOrFloat, delta); assertNotEquals(unexpected, actual); assertNotEquals(message, unexpected, actual); assertNotEquals(unexpectedDoubleOrFloat, actualDoubleOrFloat, delta); assertNotEquals(message, unexpectedDoubleOrFloat, actualDoubleOrFloat, delta); assertSame(expected, actual); assertSame(message, expected, actual); assertNotSame(unexpected, actual); assertNotSame(message, unexpected, actual); assertArrayEquals(expected, actual); assertArrayEquals(message, expectedArray, actualArray); assertArrayEquals(expectedDoubleOrFloatArray, actualDoubleOrFloatArray, delta); assertArrayEquals(message, expectedDoubleOrFloatArray, actualDoubleOrFloatArray, delta); assumeTrue(condition); assumeTrue(message, condition); assumeFalse(condition); assumeFalse(message, condition); assumeNotNull(object); // single argument only! assumeNoException(throwable); assumeNoException(message, throwable);
Implemented referencing
.extracting("property") // where the class has a getProperty() (or isProperty() for boolean) method
.extracting("bareMethod") // supported with AssertJ 13.12.0
Works on both POJOs and Iterable
Implementation is very basic though and does not work with fancy cascaded .extracting()
If there's demand, I could add it.
Development notice
Cajon is written in Kotlin 1.3.
Cajon is probably the only plugin that uses JUnit 5 Jupiter for unit testing so far (or at least the only one that I'm aware of ;) ).
The IntelliJ framework actually uses the JUnit 3 TestCase for plugin testing and it took me quite a while to make it work with JUnit 5.
Feel free to use the code (in package de.platon42.intellij.jupiter
) for your projects (with attribution).
Planned features
- Joining .contains() expressions
- Removing .isPresent().contains() combinations for Optionals
- Converting
foo.compareTo(bar) == 0
(yes, I've really seen code like that) - Extraction with property names to lambda with Java 8
from: assertThat(object).extracting("propOne", "propNoGetter", "propTwo.innerProp")... to: assertThat(object).extracting(type::getPropOne, it -> it.propNoGetter, it -> it.getPropTwo().getInnerProp())...
V1.1 (unreleased)
- Improved JoinAssertThatStatements detection of expressions with side-effects and added pre/post-increment/decrement detection.
- Added Guava Optional
opt.orNull() == null
case. You know, I'm not making this stuff up, people actually write this kind of code. - Added Java 8 Optional
opt.orElse(null) == null
case, too. - Extended JUnitAssertToAssertJ inspection to convert JUnit
-Statements, too. - Improved JUnitAssertToAssertJ quick fix to swap expected and actual expressions if the actual one is a constant.
- New ImplicitAssertion inspection for implicit
assertions that will be covered by chained assertions.
V1.0 (06-May-19)
- First release to be considered stable enough for production use.
- Fixed a NPE in AssumeThatInsteadOfReturn inspection quickfix for empty else branches.
- Fixed missing description for AssumeThatInsteadOfReturn inspection.
- Added new AssertThatCollectionOrMapExpression inspection that tries to pull out methods such as
out of an actualassertThat()
V0.8 (05-May-19)
- Fixed missing description for JoinAssertThatStatements and detection of equivalent expressions (sorry, released it too hastily).
- Fixed
for enumerables and strings andisNull()
for object conversions to be applied only if it is the terminal method call asisEmpty()
return void. - Heavily reworked inspections for edge cases, such as multiple
calls inside a single statement. - Some inspections could generate bogus code for weird situations, this has been made more fool-proof.
- Corrected highlighting for many inspections.
- Fixed family names for inspections in batch mode.
- Reworded many inspection messages for better understanding.
- Added a first version of a new inspection that tries to detect bogus uses of return statements in test methods and replaces them by
V0.7 (28-Apr-19)
- Another fix for AssertThatGuavaOptional inspection regarding using the same family name for slightly different quick fix executions (really, Jetbrains, this sucks for no reason).
- Extended AssertThatSize inspection to transform
, if possible. - Implemented first version of JoinAssertThatStatements inspection that will try to merge
statements with the same actual object together, preserving comments.
V0.6 (22-Apr-19)
- New AssertThatStringExpression inspection that will move
, andendsWith()
out of actual expression. - Extended AssertThatSize inspection to take
s andCharSequences
into account, too. - New AssertThatInvertedBooleanCondition inspection that will remove inverted boolean expressions inside
. - Renamed a few inspections to better/shorter names.
- New AssertThatInstanceOf inspection that moves instanceof expressions out of
V0.5 (18-Apr-19)
- Fixed incompatibility with IDEA versions < 2018.2 (affected AssertThatSizeInspection). Minimal version is now 2017.3.
- Fixed missing Guava imports (if not already present) for AssertThatGuavaInspection. This was a major PITA to get right.
- Added support for referencing and refactoring inside
methods with fields, properties and methods (though getter renaming does not work that perfect, but I'm giving up for now as the IntelliJ SDK docs are seriously lacking). - Fixed an exception in batch mode if the description string was the same but for different fixes. Now descriptions are different for quick fixes triggered by AssertThatJava8OptionalInspection and AssertThatGuavaOptionalInspection.
V0.4 (11-Apr-19)
- Reduced minimal supported IDEA version from 2018.2 to 2017.2.
- New inspection AssertThatJava8Optional that operates on Java 8
objects and tries to usecontains()
, andisNotPresent()
instead. - New inspection AssertThatGuavaOptional that operates on Guava
objects and tries to usecontains()
, andisAbsent()
instead. - Added support in AssertThatBinaryExpressionIsTrueOrFalse for
V0.3 (07-Apr-19)
- New inspection AssertThatBinaryExpressionIsTrueOrFalse that will find and fix common binary expressions and
statements (more than 150 combinations) insideassertThat()
. - Merged AssertThatObjectIsNull and AssertThatObjectIsNotNull to AssertThatObjectIsNullOrNotNull.
- Support for
, andhasSizeGreaterThan()
for AssertThatSizeInspection (with AssertJ >=13.2.0). - Really fixed highlighting for JUnit conversion. Sorry.
V0.2 (01-Apr-19)
- Fixed descriptions and quick fix texts.
- Fixed highlighting of found problems and also 'Run inspection by Name' returning nothing.
V0.1 (31-Mar-19)
- Initial release.